To put it bluntly, I do NOT support the practice of buying World of Warcraft Gold, or selling to companies. Some of you who read my site (oh, how lucky and rare you are, gentle reader!) may have noticed that my Google ads are serving up gold-selling sites. Not to worry! Thanks to Google's Competitive Ad filter, I've blocked every gold-selling site I can find on Google, to keep that kind of content off of the page. I'll be blocking ones that continue to show up as I see them. Hopefully, with time, I'll be rid of that kind of content. (After all, encouraging people to BUY gold runs contrary to my desire to make people read my guides! ;)
In other news, check out my Primal Farming post! It's a rather large write up, but (I think) worth the read!
Also, plans are underway for me to host this blog on a "real" domain. Once I think up a name, I'll probably move over there, and redirect traffic from here as well. If you've got a catchy-cool name idea, let me know!
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