Monday, June 25, 2007

Auctioneer Settings to Tweak

You can tweak the settings of Auctioneer with text-based commands. A complete list can be found at The Auctioneer Wiki, which is a guide to all the features of Auctioneer. I'm only going over the ones here that I feel are the best to tweak. Always remove the brackets <> when putting in the command in WoW.

/auctioneer pct-markup If you have an item you've never seen at auction before, this is how it is priced. It will take how much you could sell it to a vendor for, and mark it up by whatever is. The logic being that vendors in World of Warcraft generally buy items for 1/5 the gold that they'd sell it for. I'd set this to 300 or so. In time, with enough scans, you'll see less and less of this, and start seeing real data.

/auctioneer pct-bidmarkdown This controls the difference between the bid and buyout prices when Auctioneer prices an item for sale. Keep it between 15 and 20. That way, even if someone wins by bidding, you're not going to get ripped off, like if you set the bid very low. A key mistake many novices to World of Warcraft make in the Auction House is setting the bid low to encourage a bidding war. Unfortunately, each bid placed only barely outdoes the previous, so the result is often selling the item far under value.

/auctioneer pct-nocomp This controls how much ABOVE market value Auctioneer will set an item if there is no competition. It makes market sense - if there's no competition, supply is probably low, and prices can go up. Don't be shy here. Ratchet up the price, if the item is in demand. See, then you set the market. Even if someone underbids you, chances are they'll only do it a by a bit, because they want to secure a profit for themselves. Rarely will you get an honest player who will know your 100 gold blue is only worth 20 gold, and underbid you by 80g. It's in everyone's best interest to sell their item for as much as they can! Take advantage of human greed.

/auctioneer pct-underlow This controls how much you undercut someone by when Auctioneer does your pricing. The default is 5, but you can go down to 2 or 3. It's a negligible profit gain, but a buyer is going to go for the lowest-priced item, even if it is only a couple silver lower!

/auctioneer pct-maxless This is a handy one. It controls how low Auctioneer is willing to go to undercut someone before giving up because you'll lose too much gold. I wouldn't go below 70%, here. If someone wants to lose hard earned (or ill-gained!) gold by selling an item at only 70% of its worth, let them lose money.

So tweak your settings people! Only amateur install and go. YOU will actually understand Auctioneer, and soon you'll be sharking those other Auctioneer users as well!


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