Thursday, August 12, 2010

So Many Hunters...So Much Hate

I've been using the single ammo sale method of late that I learned from Markco and Cold talked about last week. If you haven't been doing this you buy a stack of shatter rounds or iceblade arrows and then turn around and start posting a few singles at a time for the same price as a full stack.

I have never not gotten a sale from doing this in a given posting period. There is so many hunters that will blindly just buy what ever is the lowest price in the auction house listing. Just to protect yourself I recommend only posting a few ammo at a time, 5 to 10.

Over the time I have been doing this I usually get whispered everyday by hunters doing plenty of name calling. Even some new terms I hadn't heard of =D. I even do the posting on my mains, I really don't care. I'm in a popular raiding guild that my friends run so no worries on what people think of me.

Just remember, It's not a scam. You're taking advantage of morons who can't read.

Thanks for checking in!


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