Short post today but I wanted to discuss an idea that I had posted a while back. Selling Arena Teams.
My friend and I had been leveling teams and selling them. But I have had some success flipping teams as well. I've had players who are casual or never play arena but had a team at one point sell me their teams at cost. These teams are always at least at 1k rating.
Flipping these teams do take patience. You must be ready to expect that it may take up to 2 weeks to find a buyer. But by posting in trade chat, "WTS 2v2 team, 1k rating, taking offers PST" You will be surprised at how many players actually will pay 500 to 1000 gold for a team to avoid the hours just trying to get it above a 1k rating.
It doesn't hurt to ask someone who is selling a team in chat, they may just be looking for a 100g, so that would be an easy profit margin to flip.
Thanks for checking in!
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