This was an idea shared to me by a friend on my realm, reselling Haris Pilton's bags. She sells 22 and 24 slot epic bags that can be resold on the auction house.
Here's the items,
[Portable Hole] - 24 slot bag 3000g
["Gigantique" Bag] - 22 slot bag 1200g
Now common sense will tell you not to resell the 22 slot bag since a glacial bag will sell for around 300 to 400 gold. But the Portable Hole can be purchased and resold for 4000g. That's a around a 760 gold profit after auction house fees. There is many players who do not know where the portable hole is from and probably think that it is another crafted item. This is the same mentality that is applied to vanity pets. Players are either lazy or don't know where the pets come from so they buy them off the auction house.
Thanks for checking in!
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