Monday, May 3, 2010

Using Trade Channel for great deals

You should always be using trade channel not only to sell items but to also look for low prices on items. For example, this morning I logged in real quick to check my auctions where someone was selling 12 Cardinal Ruby for 100g each. I quickly bought these up because I know over the next week I can cut these into epic cuts and make a profit of 30 to 80g per gem. Even at the lowest profit margin that is still 360g!

There is so many players that are broke just looking for quick gold that they will unload their inventories at way under auction house prices. I've found many good deals on items that I've been able to flip. Even if someone says, "WTS EPIC ITEM PST W/ OFFER" what is it going to hurt to ask? Give them a low number and negotiate, you will be surprised what price you can get then immediately flip it on the AH.

Flipping items around the 1000k or up price range can be killer if you have a small profit margin while using the Auction House. You want to try using trade channel when you can to avoid auction house cuts. Nothing worse than seeing a 50 to 100g AH cut off your sale.


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