Monday, July 9, 2007

Swiftthistle Is Always in Demand!

Probably the most useful item in a Rogue's bag is Thistle Tea. This stuff gives back 40 energy when you drink it, which is a vital component for many perma-stun combos, and is simply darn useful at any point. Given that, there's always a market for this stuff. Now, take into consideration that Swiftthistle, the herb used to make it, CANNOT be picked directly, and you have a winner. Swiftthistle is also used in some other useful potions, like the Swiftness Potion, and agility potions!

Swiftthistle is randomly-found when you pick Briarthorn and Mageroyal, and has a small chance of dropping off of some mobs. Now, this is important. Not only is Swiftthistle useful, it is very hard to come by. If you know how to farm it, you can make a lot of money!

My advice? Don't bother with mobs. It's too unreliable. Grab your herbalist, go to Westfall, and pick every bit of Briarthorn and Mageroyal you see. Westfall is the best for this, I think, because both herbs are in the area. Briarthorn can be found in lots of places, but usually with higher-level herbs, like Goldthorn, for example. Also, if you're Alliance, you're 100% ungankable while you work, and if you're even level 20, the mobs won't be any problem for you.

So, pick pick pick! When you get some stacks, pop those onto the Auction House. You'll be amazed at how high a stack of 20 of these l0w-level herbs sells for!


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