Monday, July 2, 2007

PPP: Major Healing Potion

Time for another PPP, that is, Particularly Profitable Pattern installment, a guide to buying and reselling vendor items for easy gold!

If a potion's usefulness has a direct impact upon the desire to have the recipe, this is near the top of the list. Enter: Major Healing Potion! Who doesn't need to be able to make healing potions for free, just by wandering around and finding the herbs, sometimes without even particularly looking? Healing potions are a hot commodity, because they're dead useful, and more importantly, useful to a broad range of Alchemists (read: all of them).

Evie Whirlbrew of Winterspring. She sells this recipe for 1.5 gold. Don't think you can get it without a fight -- other players want this too, either to use or resell. Best to check right after the servers come back up, or keep a character near this vendor and check every few hours.


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