Tuesday, July 31, 2007

More Suggestions!

Sorry for the silence, everyone. I've been kind of busy! Anyway, I'm feeling a bit of writers block on what to post about lately, so I'm open to suggestions again! What sort of money making tricks would you like to know about? What profession, what zone, whatever! Post in comments! I'll be making a post tomorrow, regardless of whether I get any suggestions by then, so don't worry, the drought won't last forever. :p

Monday, July 30, 2007

Funny WoW Video - Drop into WoW

The video describes two world of warcraft players drop into,so something begins to happen...

Friday, July 27, 2007


For those of you who don't use it, Cartographer is a very nice addon for World of Warcraft that adds a coordinate system to your map. This makes it easier for people to explain where things are on message boards, guild members, etc. It also shows general level brackets for zones, instance maps, and has a whole slew of other great features. Read up on it at the link above!

However! Today, a guildmate of mine tuned me into the fact that Cartographer has another very useful purpose: Gathering! With the use of some nifty databases, Cartographer can put little points on your map showing you where ALL the possible spawn points are in any given area. That can be mining nodes, herbs, treasure, questgivers/turnins, whatever. This makes it so, so easy to follow a route around a zone to gather materials, because you now know every possible place it can spawn. I can't stress how much easier this makes gathering! And unlike Gatherer, you don't have to have found it first for it to show up on your map: it's just given to you!

You can download the databases from Curse, in the form of LUA files. You need Cartographer installed, and you also need to get the dependent program for whichever nodes you want. Look under the "dependencies" header on the link provided.

Installation is simple enough. Make sure you aren't logged in. Extract that Cartographer addon to your World of Warcraft\Interface\Addons folder, and extract the database files (the LUA files) to your \World of Warcraft\WTF\Account\_name_\SavedVariables folder. Make sure you enable the addons on your character select screen, and you're done!

WoW Funny Screenshot: So Large Elekk! So Funny Fly!

Have you ever seen so large Elekk???

How to make WoW Gold 100 G in one hour

How to make WoW Gold 100 G in one hourYou have to be lvl 60 or else you cant run pass all the mobs. (else you have to fight you way) And you have to know Enchanting or know a friend who can do it for you.I my self died the first 3-4 times before I got it right. And now I dont die on these runs.Go to Uldaman, and take the back entrance. (Time start) (Run pass all mobs so they dont discover you)Run

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Make Life Easier With Gatherbook!

First of all, if you have a gathering profession, and don't have Gatherer, get it! What it does is keep track of where you've mines, herbs, etc, and what you got from gathering it! Also, it communicates with other Gatherer users in your guild, so anytime someone finds something, you know where! Very useful in large guilds.

Now, Gatherbook takes it a step further. It essentially is lots and lots of Gatherer information rolled into one, so you'll easily be able to see where you need to go to RELIABLY find certain items! It can be kind of confusing to use, so I would direct you all to this page for comprehensive instructions!

PPP: Adamantite Breastplate

Time for another PPP, that is, Particularly Profitable Pattern installment, a guide to buying and reselling vendor items for easy gold!

There's nothing quite as annoying as falling for your own tricks. I've been leveling up Blacksmithing recently, and when I was perusing the Auction House, I ran across Plans: Adamantite Breastplate. This is a very decent chest piece to have when leveling up, especially if it's your first time beyond 60. And if you're a completist, like me, and want ALL the Blacksmithing recipes... well, I bought it out at 13 gold. Only later did I find out it comes from a VENDOR in Telaar! I bought it for over twice as much as it was worth, and counted it a decent deal, until I found all of this out.

So, if you're in the area (check the link above to find out which vendors sell it), look for these plans! If I fell for it, anyone would.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Making WoW Gold in World of Warcraft

Making Money in World of WarcraftThe most common topic I see posted in the forums is a complaint by people nearing level 40 that they can't afford to buy their mount. How do you make that much gold? Well I decided to write up a guide to give you my personal pointers on making money in WoW. It's actually very easy to make a lot of money in the game if you understand the mechanics and play at least

Psychological Tricks on the Auction House

There's no better human trait to exploit than GREED. It's the basis of sales in our society. If something is on sale, you're more likely to buy it, whether or not you need it. After all, it's on SALE! Buy it when it's cheap, because otherwise you'll pay more. You can effectively create a "sale atmosphere" on the Auction House, too! It's kind of underhanded, but it can give you a nice edge.

Find a pair of items on the Auction House, like a blue piece of equipment. You need to have 2 of them, and no others on the Auction House, so take some time to hunt around. Now, send one of the blues to an alt, and list it for a high price, maybe twice the normal price. Then get on your main, and list their's for closer to the real value.

What you're doing is taking advantage of people's eye for good deals, even other Auctioneers. When someone sees how much less your main's listing is than your alt's listing, they are more likely to buy it, because it will seem like such a great deal! Sure, some people will see through it, but we all know there are a lot of unintelligent people in the game, don't we? =D

Monday, July 23, 2007

Easy Disenchanting For Easy Gold

Most people tend to consider Enchanting a money sink. Well, if you're trying to get to 375, it is. ALL professions are money sinks, if you want to get them to 375. But you don't need to be a high level Enchanter for this to work!

Enchanting materials are always in demand. Not only are they used in Enchanting, but some of the materials are used to transmute cloth, or in various other professions. The key is being efficient!

One of my favorite runs for disenchant able items is Scarlet Monastery. Across the 3 areas, there are quite a few bosses! So, this is simple enough. Run the sections as fast as you can, kill the bosses, disenchant their higher-level drops, especially any blues. Rinse, repeat. Obviously, this is best when done by a stealth class, but any high level character can do it. Between Archanist Doan, Commander Mograine, High Inquisitor Whitemane and Herod, there's a lot of potential for profitable disenchanting!

Since this is so easy to do, don't be afraid to undercut the competition more than you might otherwise. You can get more of this stuff more easily than a lot of them probably are, who are only selling the materials they HAPPEN to come across!

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Get that First Mount!

There are a ton of tactics out there to help people get their mounts as fast as possible, but I prefer a straightforward approach. This technique works best on older, well-established servers, but also works great on new servers, for other reasons.

The Deadmines. I love this instance. You can easily do it as Horde or Alliance. From about 30 on, you can run it yourself fairly easily. In one run, you'll probably get 6 or 7 or 10 green drops. Low level green drops, right? Who cares?

Well, if you're on an old server, the player population is rich. When they roll a new character, they want to buy what they need, not farm for it. On my server, a Seer's Belt goes for 2 gold. 2 gold is nothing to someone funding their character with a level 70 alt. So, those green items, sold at these very high prices, really do add up.

Alternatively, on a new server, the items will be very in demand again as people level their characters. This means they'll move fast, but as the population isn't as rich as on an old server, you won't be able to charge as much. Still, you can make a mint doing this, at least from a low-level, new player point of view!

Friday, July 20, 2007

Picking Manathistle

Mana Thistle is a great herb for alchemists. Other than having a cool name, it is needed for many higher end recipes, such as the various Cauldrons, and most of the highest level elemental protection and healing/mana potions. Also, when you pick it, it restores some mana! How cool is that?

Mana Thistle can only be picked by a master Herbalist, that is, 375 skill. Aside from that, the places it grows most consistently can only be reached with a flying mount! So, this is not an easy herb to get, which means it tends to sell high and well.
  • In Terokkar Forest, you can pick it in the southeast corner, at Skettis. Also, in the Barrier Hills just above the Aldor base.
  • In Blade's Edge Mountains, check out the Pinnacle Vortext to the west, and Felstorm Point in the north.
  • In Netherstorm, in the northwest, at Socrethar's Seat.
  • In Shadowmoon Valley, check out the southeastern Netherwing Ledge.
Here's a link to Thottbot to help you. Just click on the zone you want to check out and it'll bring up a map. This stuff sells for 50-60 gold per stack on most servers, so if you're an Herbalist, get picking!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007


This website is a fantastic resource, often left unused and unknown to many players. The people running it collect all kinds of useful market information for you: prices of items over time, prices on different servers, items that sell too low, etc. It's a fantastic way to learn more about your market! I can't stress its usefulness enough to you all. The more you know, the more deals you'll find, the more efficient you'll be in your money-making. So, go surf Wowecon!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


Hey, sorry for the lack of new information lately. Had a couple days off of work, and haven't been motivated to DO any work. =D

Anyway, I've covered enough material at this point that I'm struggling for new information to write about. So, again I turn to you, my few readers. :p Post in the comments what you want more information about, and I'll do my best to oblige!

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Price Manipulation For Easy Profits

Update: This method simply will not work. There are too many rich players out there, using the Auction House just like you. If they see your low prices, they'll snap it all up and relist it for 5 times your price. Even if you flood the market, it will all be gone. Unfortunately, the economies are too full of legitly and non-legitly rich players to pull something like this off. =(

So, this occurred to me as I drove to work today. I've been trying various things on the Auction House lately, and I plan to try this over the next week or so.

The way people make money in the Auction House is to buy low, and sell at actual value or even higher. But what if the low bids aren't low enough to turn a nice profit? If the market isn't gigantic (like Linen Cloth, or other low-level crafting items), you can tilt the market just enough to really make a killing.

Find your market of choice. The items must be frequently bought on the Auction House, but not so huge that you can't control it a little. Mid and high-level crafting materials usually make good candidates. Again, I'm using Mithril Bars. I buy all of the bars available at auction. I then relist a small portion of them for significantly less than they are actually worth. Seems crazy, I know, but bear with me. Now, when someone decides to post more Mithril Bars, they are forced to undercut you to sell them. Buy those, too. Buy all of them you need to in order to keep your auctions in the majority, and force the overly low prices. When you've built up a good amount, let your auctions expire/sell out, and post no more.

What we're doing here is deliberately driving down prices. If all went well, you've now got a decent stock of whatever item you chose, and you acquired them rather far below market value. Now, simply allow the prices to rebound to regular levels. It could take a day or two. To speed it up, buy out all of the auctions again, and relist them for the prices they went for before you drove them down. Now you can re-sell the items you bought at rock-bottom for their actual worth. You can even undercut for more than you normally would, because your profits will still be huge! If you try this, let me know how it works out in the comments. I'll keep my results posted.

Some things to watch out for that are occurring to me now that I'm checking out the Auction House:
  • It must be an active market! If no one is posting items in competition, people are just going to buy your low listings, and prices will go back to normal.
  • There is a risk that the market is smart enough that competitors will simply wait for your items to be sold, rather than lose their own profits to underbid you. For this reason, a gradual slide down in price might be necessary.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

My Ore Experiment, Part 2

Okay, so, I made 30 gold profit by selling the Mithril Bars I bought. However, there is simply too much Mithril on the market to control it all. I can't afford to buy 190 bars a day. So, the market is too big, but the concept is sound.

I'm moving on to Felsteel bars. There is 1 stack of 5 on my Auction House right now, and I'm going to buy it, break it apart, and sell the pieces for more. I'll let you know how it goes!

Friday, July 13, 2007

My Ore Experiment

Okay, so here's my latest experiment in the Auction House. I'm taking Mithril Bars, and buying every one I see. Usually, there's only 8 or 9 listings, so it's not a huge investment. Then, I break them up into smaller amounts (1-6 bars) and re-list them, but raise the price of each individual bar. For example, I bought 20 bars for 17 gold, which puts each bar at a little less than 1 gold. I re-listed them in smaller amounts, with the prices per bar at 1.5 gold. This way, the total amount is less, but I'm actually making profit. Also, I can now cater to people who only need 1 bar, or 2, or whatever, who might not buy if I listed in stacks of 20.

Really, it's just a way of tricking the consumer. Like how everything is $xx.99. The fact that it's 1 penny less than a whole new number doesn't matter, because it LOOKS cheaper, as long as the front numbers are small. So, this is kind of a dirty trick I'm trying, to see if I can short-sight the buyers and make easy profit.
I'll keep you updated on how this works out!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Jewelcrafting - Sparkly Gems for Fun and Profit

Most people consider Jewelcrafting kind of a money sink. I'm not sure where this rhetoric came from, but go on and ask someone if they think Jewelcrafting is a good money spinner. It's like asking of Blacksmithing can make money for you. Well, it's partly true. You stand to spend a lot of money raising your Jewelcrafting skill, but once you hit 315, you're golden for my purposes.

If you're a miner, save the high-end ore you mine. If you need to, buy it from the Auction House. Once your Jewelcrafting his 275, you can prospect Fel Iron Ore, and once it hits 315, you can prospect Adamantite Ore. Prospecting means you use the ore in order to look for gems in it. Gem drop rates have gotten a boost lately, which is nice, though it knocked prices down. The process is simple: get ore, prospect gems, hope for a blue, sell uncut gems. Even if you have to buy the ore, you might be able to easily make up the profit by selling the gems. Check your Auction House prices on gems before you do this! If they're really low, you might want to wait for the market to go back up.

The best part about this tip is that is conceivably requires no effort from you. Buy ore, sell gems, repeat. With the right economy under you, you can stand to make a ton of money by doing this!

Monday, July 9, 2007

Swiftthistle Is Always in Demand!

Probably the most useful item in a Rogue's bag is Thistle Tea. This stuff gives back 40 energy when you drink it, which is a vital component for many perma-stun combos, and is simply darn useful at any point. Given that, there's always a market for this stuff. Now, take into consideration that Swiftthistle, the herb used to make it, CANNOT be picked directly, and you have a winner. Swiftthistle is also used in some other useful potions, like the Swiftness Potion, and agility potions!

Swiftthistle is randomly-found when you pick Briarthorn and Mageroyal, and has a small chance of dropping off of some mobs. Now, this is important. Not only is Swiftthistle useful, it is very hard to come by. If you know how to farm it, you can make a lot of money!

My advice? Don't bother with mobs. It's too unreliable. Grab your herbalist, go to Westfall, and pick every bit of Briarthorn and Mageroyal you see. Westfall is the best for this, I think, because both herbs are in the area. Briarthorn can be found in lots of places, but usually with higher-level herbs, like Goldthorn, for example. Also, if you're Alliance, you're 100% ungankable while you work, and if you're even level 20, the mobs won't be any problem for you.

So, pick pick pick! When you get some stacks, pop those onto the Auction House. You'll be amazed at how high a stack of 20 of these l0w-level herbs sells for!

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Rep and Gold From Skyguard Quests

Right now, the Holy Grail of World of Warcraft is getting an epic flying mount. A massive 280% speed increase, and the added bonus of being able to avoid troublesome ground paths and mobs entirely! No wonder everyone wants one.

To get one, you must first be exalted with the Sha'tari Skyguard faction of Shattrath. Now, grinding rep with them is a little different, because it is done mainly through "daily quests", which are quests that can be done every day, but only once each day. They give not only Skyguard rep, but also 12+ gold per quest! Do the 4 daily quests each day, and you're looking at a lot of gold! Of course, this is intentional, because it takes 5000 gold to get the epic flying mount. By the time you get Exalted with Skyguard, you'll have earned a ton of gold.

First thing to do is complete Threat From Above in Terokkar, to join the Skyguard. Then, simply do each quest every day. Here are the 4 main Skyguard quests, linked to Thottbot. There are more quests that can be repeated each day; I will be adding them soon enough.

Skyguard quests: Fires Over Skettis, Escape From Skettis, Bomb Them Again, Wrangle More Rays.

Friday, July 6, 2007

Grinding Scryer Rep

The Scryer are one of 2 factions that you will have to choose to be friends with in Shattrath, in Terokkar Forest. The main benefit to getting Exalted with one faction or the other is that they sell some pretty nice gear at that level! Plus, the grind up to Exalted will load you with lots of money, and tons of experience!

I recently did a post on the official forums about this, but here it is in a more convenient location.

To get to Honored with the Scryers, you need to turn in Firewing Signets. The best way to get them is to head over to Terokkar's Firewing Point. These mobs, especially the casters, are very squishy, and you'll go through them like butter at high level 60s or 70. Being humanoid, they drop cloth and silver, as well as occasional greens. Bonus! Turn these in to the quest giver on the Scryer section of Shattrath.

For getting to Revered and Exalted, you need Sunfury Signets and Arcane Tomes. The various manaforges in Netherstorm have mobs for the signets (Blood Knights, Bloodwarders, any other Sunfury mobs). There are lots of forges to choose from, so finding one for yourself shouldn't be too hard. They all drop Sunfury Signets often enough to farm effectively. They will also occasionally drop the Tomes!

Don't forget, rep items can be bought easily. Everyone (you included) probably has rep items for the other faction. Don't junk or vendor them. Sell them, or trade them to other players. They're probably holding on to rep items they have no use for, too! Best place to look for deals like this Shattrath, in Terokkar.

Netherweb Spider Silk

Netherweb Spider Silk is needed in almost every Tailoring recipe above 350. This stuff is particularly hard to get (unless you read this!), so a lot of players resort to simply buying it.

Now, one good place to get it is in Terokkar Forest. My favorite spot is the little green strip of land on the East side of the Bone Wastes. Look for Allerian Stronghold on your map, and then follow the mountain range south, and you should see it. There are more spiders here than elsewhere in Terokkar. However, the drop rate is rather low, and it is very often farmed. But even a low amount of silk will sell for a pretty penny!

Now, if you happened to be able to go into the Caverns of Time, I suggest the Black Morass. Look for Blackfang Tarantulas. Like most non-elite instance mobs, they give no rep per kill. Worthless, right? Wrong! They have a decent chance of dropping Netherweb Spider Silk! And the best part is, there is no competition if you're farming in an instance. These mobs are only 67-69; very easy for a level 70 rip through. If you kill them all, just reset the instance. When you're bags are full, hit the Auction House. Don't be afraid to undercut the competition to sell! When you sell all of yours, that negligible loss of gold won't even matter. Happy farming!

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Give Me Direction

It occurs to me that I have no idea what level my readers are. Should I focus more on 60+ info, 70 info, lower than 60, a mix of both? Give me direction, folks. With so much info available, I need a way to refine my posts! Sorry for the lack of posts yesterday -- it was the 4th of July, after all. I was out and about most of the day. Hope you all had a safe and happy 4th! No worse injury for a WoW player than losing a finger. =)

Skinning for Gold in Winterspring

Any area that has an excess of animal mobs is a great place to skin. Lately, Nagrand in Outlands has been getting a lot of attention, and rightly so, as it is simply amazing for high-level skinners.

But what if you aren't a high-level skinner? Where can you go to raise your skill quickly, and earn some decent gold at the same time? Try Winterspring! Shardtooth Bears (and Elder Shardtooths more specifically) can be skinned here for Rugged Leather and Warbear Leather. Remember what I mentioned in a previous post: lower level craft items sell even more well than higher ones, because there are simply more lower-level crafters. Head to Winterspring with some nearly empty bags, fill up, and go hit that auction house. Remember, if you're a Leatherworker too, you can turn that leather into other items that may sell even higher than the leather alone. Know your market, and do some research before unloading it all. And remember, let people KNOW it's for sale in the /trade channel!

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

May the Grind Be With You - Shadowmoon Valley's Legion Hold

So, I'm currently in the middle of grinding for Aldor rep, and I've discovered my favorite place to grind that, experience, and items: The Legion Hold in Shadowmoon Valley. I mentioned it in an earlier post, but it bears going over in more detail.

If you're melee, you want to go after the Wrathwalkers. They hit me (warri0r) for about 80-100 each hit, without a shield. They attack slowly, and other than they only cast one spell, maybe once per battle, and it can be easily interrupted. They have low armor and low HP, and I have been cutting through them in under 10 seconds, usually. They drop Marks of Sargeras, which is what I was there for. But they also drop Netherweave like candy -- I got 100 pieces in an hour. I also got 3 decent greens.

I only ever saw a few other people here, and even if there are, there are tons of mobs. Casters, you can probably focus on whichever mobs you want. Just be warned, the Terrormasters cast fear sometimes, which can run you into more mobs, even when they're spaced out as they are here. Otherwise, these mobs are unremarkable in their abilities.

Ranging in level from 67 to 68, this is a great place to farm gold (especially if Netherweave sells well on your server, and it does on most!), and simply grind out levels. I was hitting about 110k xp/hour. Plus, there are Horde/Alliance areas nearby, if you need to junk vendor trash, mail stuff to your banker, or buy more food/water.

A Typical Day in the Auction House

My Auctioning on Monday-Thursday is fairly limited. On any given day I scan the Auction House about 3 times: morning, afternoon, night. After each scan, I immediately check for auctions almost finished, and place my bids if the profit is high enough. On Friday afternoon/evening, I do a scan and put up everything I have. This is when the most players will be logging on for the weekend. I do the same on Saturday evening and Sunday evening.

Having just moved to the Kil'Jaeden server, I'm still feeling out the economy. With my current data, the top profiting items are always "Savory Deviate Delight", because my data is not built up enough. It's very frustrating, actually, having the market skewed like this. In time, and with more data, it will reflect correct market information. Until then, I'm walking carefully so I don't get burned. Still, I've made about 150g profit on very modest auctioneering in a couple of weeks. This number has gone a lot higher, but I'm back to work for the summer and working on leveling my main, so I'm not in profit-overdrive. Once I hit 70 and need money for the epic flying mount, THEN I'll be having some fun, and probably do a more detailed log of my auctions.

In my experience, the highest profit items are almost always blues, and crafting items, usually in stacks.

I check the blue items for how often they've been seen at Auction - items that have only been seen a few times are either rare, or just very poor sellers that people know better than to put up. Or, they can been seen many times, in which case they either move very quickly, or barely at all; either case will have it appearing in many scans. So, it does take a little bit of market knowledge to know what's in demand. The easiest way to gauge blues is to just look at the item. If it's a great item, take it. If it's something you'd probably never want on a character, let it be. Some blues are just not that good. One important thing to remember is that if you're putting a blue item up is that you'll be paying a lot in deposits, and you aren't likely to sell the item in the first few auctions. They do take some time to move. To avoid the fee, I usually check the Auction House for duplicates, and unless they're priced too low for me to undercut, I advertise in the /trade channel that I'm selling one for cheaper than the Auction House. If you don't have time to sit around and do that, just post that you're putting it up for auction at less than all the other competition. Be patient! Wait for the weekend to sell -- more people are on, more money is moving. If someone undercuts you, or a bidding war drives down prices, wait for them to come back up. I've got a level 70 blue dagger that I'm waiting to sell, because the prices have dropped from 100+ gold to 40 gold! I could still profit if I sold it at 40 (I bought it very low), but I'll make much more if I wait for prices to go up. If you see an item is going to become harder to get in the next patch, or have its stats boosted, BUY IT. Prices are going to go up.

The other items I make the most profit off of are generally stackable items like Nexus Crystals, other enchanting items, crafting items, and recipes. Buy low, sell high, simple enough. I bought a stack of 4 Nexus Crystals yesterday for about 20 gold. I broke the stack into singles, and sold them each for about 10 gold, which was still 2 gold under the market. When you buy in stacks, it's easier to sell them individually, because people don't have to buy more than they want.

Any time I buy items, I advertise the better deals in /trade. Some people just aren't browsing the Auction House when you're on, and you don't want to miss them, so spend at least a couple minutes doing this. Also, keep your eye on the trade channel yourself. Some good deals can be found there!

When I play the Auction House, I generally do most of my buying/bidding on high profit items, as I just started new on the server and don't have as much money as I'd want if I'm going to buy tons of items. Still, the better option is generally to buy even the low-profit items, so long as you buy according to market needs. The gold does add up, and fast. Don't be afraid to try moving new items. But I do advise that you find a niche and corner it. Specialize in certain items that you KNOW sell well. If it's a small market, monopolize it. If you're the only one ever offering the item, you can set the price. I'm thinking of doing that with a couple of blues I'm seeing fairly often, but it's a significant investment, so I'm not decided yet.

When I'm done hawking my items or sharking others, I get on a different character and check some vendors for recipes and the like (see my PPP posts). Usually I can snag at least a couple, and I send them to my banker to sell.

I'll do a more detailed post when I have the time to sell more, and a better idea of Kil'Jaeden's economy!

Monday, July 2, 2007

Special Offer Servers:chealpest wow gold

cheapest wow gold

What Do You Want?

Okay, loyal readers, what few there may be, I'm open to suggestions. What types of info do you want? Reselling vendor items, good grind spots, Auctioneer and other guides, info on making money with professions, more dirty tricks in the Auction House? Post your wants in the comments, and I'll try to be forthcoming!

PPP: Major Healing Potion

Time for another PPP, that is, Particularly Profitable Pattern installment, a guide to buying and reselling vendor items for easy gold!

If a potion's usefulness has a direct impact upon the desire to have the recipe, this is near the top of the list. Enter: Major Healing Potion! Who doesn't need to be able to make healing potions for free, just by wandering around and finding the herbs, sometimes without even particularly looking? Healing potions are a hot commodity, because they're dead useful, and more importantly, useful to a broad range of Alchemists (read: all of them).

Evie Whirlbrew of Winterspring. She sells this recipe for 1.5 gold. Don't think you can get it without a fight -- other players want this too, either to use or resell. Best to check right after the servers come back up, or keep a character near this vendor and check every few hours.

Chinese WoW Bug: More than 40 players in War Song???

There are many bugs in Chinese WoW 2.0, you can see what you never see in every battle field. Please look these pictures below: A large number of hordes in ABMore than 40 players in a team, in War Song! Terrible AV(in Chinese WoW, skeletons is changed to gravestone)

Sunday, July 1, 2007

World of Warcraft:WoW Gold Special Servers

May the Grind Be With You - Terokkar's Shadow Tomb

The best grinding spots are places where the mobs are relatively easy for their level, plentiful, but not dangerously so, and somewhere where you'll be safe and left in peace by both factions.

Go to Terokkar and look on your map. In the Bone Wastes, there are 2 icons for buildings of a sort. The one on the left is a Shadow Tomb. It's a 3-wing area, and each wing has 7 to 10 mobs, built of warrior types, mage types, and rogue types. Now, the rogues don't stealth, the mages don't do much damage, and the warriors are rather squishy. They're level 64 and 65, mostly.

This spot is a fantastic place to grind from maybe 65 or 66 on. Not only will you get tons of Aldor rep items (Marks of Kil'Jaeden and Fel Armaments), you'll rarely find other players in here, because most people grind on the mobs above the surface, not in the tomb. The mobs are easy to pull one at a time, and even if you pull two, you can probably handle it. I grinded here for about 1 hour, and I got 3 greens, 1 blue (Boots of Savagery), 50 marks of Kil'Jaeden, 4 stacks of Netherweave, and 1 stack of Runecloth. I was averaging about 120,000xp per hour, because by the time you clear the last wing, the 1st wing is respawned. There is almost no downtime aside from resting.

Grind on!