Thursday, September 9, 2010

Shadowfang Keep BoE Snatch List

You may not know about these two items but there are two very rare BoE drops out of Shadowfang keep. The drop rate on these two items have been nerfed substantially so it probably would be a waste of time trying to farm for these items. Unless you are really into tweaking out then go for it.

Those Silly Twinks
The two items are Shadowfang and Assassin's Blade. They can sell from anywhere from 2k all the way to 10k gold. Even some players will pay real money just to get one of these. These are a couple of the best twink weapons available at level 19 so they are in high demand in the twink community.

The Snatch
What we are banking on someone picks ones of these up and has no idea what the real cost is. Hopefully the post it from 50 to 200g. What we can do is use the snatch tool to create a price threshold of 1000g to try and catch any of these items. Even if you bought one for 1k you should have no problem making an insane profit. For more information on using the snatch tool check out my tutorial, Using the Snatch Auction Tool.


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