Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Weekly Update 7-13

I only played three nights this week since I was gone for vacation most of the time. It was pretty low numbers as a result.

Jewelcrafting - 4500g
Tailoring - 1800g
Auction House Flipping - 4000g
Enchanting - 2000g

I didn't even touch my other professions if you are curious where those numbers went. I also spent around three grand gemming and enchanting my new ret set I built for my paladin and I loaned a grand to my friend who got hacked. When they finally restore his account I will get paid back.

Total Liquid = 42,200
Total Invested = 10,000
Total Assets = 52,200

I found some really good deals this week on crusader and frozen orbs. Someone posted a stack of frozen orbs for 180g and I resold each of them for 20g. It was a quick 220g profit. I also bought 5 crusader orbs that someone posted for 45g each! I guess they were needed gold quickly for posting at that price. I resold the crusader orbs for 120g each for a profit of 375g. (Excluding AH fees)

I also did my usual epic flipping, a few blacksmithing plans and found a couple great deals on epic gear. I had a hard time buying up cheap low level items, like ore and cloth, seemed like someone else kept doing auction house scans after I went to bed bidding on all those items.

Thanks for checking in!


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