Ask any World of Warcraft player who has been playing for a long time what the most boring ways to make gold is and they'll all say the same thing -- farming. Newbie players (and even some veterans) will spend hours a day farming. Some will farm zones for equipment, others will mine, gather herbs, etc. After weeks of doing this over and over again and having maybe 200 gold to show for it, many players will jump at the chance to make money a different way.
Getting to Know the Auction House
The WoW Auction House is a very complex beast because there's tons of data available and the default WoW client doesn't really let you take advantage of it. To really get to know it properly, there are four key add-ons you need to install in your WoW client: Auctioneer, Auctionator, Postal, and Market Watcher. There are other add-ons such as TitanPanel which can help you see your total gold count and bag space but those four are the main four you should start with. Once you have them installed and working, you should scan the data in the auction house at least once a day (more often if you can). The add-ons will gather data that is critical for you to learn what are the best items to buy and sell (and even resell when people sell things lower than they should).
How to Make Gold in WoW with Less Time Spent
The most important thing to focus on with trying to make more gold in WoW while spending less time doing so is to focus on auctions with high yield returns. Items like Cobalt Ore and Eternals are great, but Crusader Orbs, Primordial Saronite, or Titansteel have higher returns. Although these items are quite expensive, I can pretty much guarantee you they will always sell for a profit if you know the best time to sell them and how much you should sell them for. Many players will spend hours a day doing this over and over again, while some can log in for an hour or so per day and make thousands of gold very quickly.
Once you realize that there are alternatives to farming if you want to make gold in WoW the sky becomes your limit. However, you need to be able and willing to take risks and push yourself a bit harder than you do normally. The rewards will then be far greater than flying in circles around Storm Peaks or Icecrown for hours on end.
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