One of my friends was, at one time, a very dedicated WoW player. He could put so much time into it that it baffled me, and still does. I can only go for maybe 2 hours of play at a time, and usually only once a day! My friends, through a combination of question at 70 and mining, made the 5000 gold for his epic mount in about 3 weeks.
Now, I've already done a post about questing at 70. If you've got the stomach for it, grind as much as possible. That will leave you with tons of quests to do at 70, and you'll get gold for each. I may, if I can stand it, do that with my shadow priest, once I get there. I'll definitely keep track, though, and post the results if I do.
Now, mining. The best place to mine in Outlands is Nagrand. Almost all the nodes are adamantite, or rich adamantite deposits. I did about 30 minutes there just now, and got got 27 ore, 20 motes of earth, and 4 eternium ore. All told, that's about 70 gold. I know, 70 gold an hour isn't huge, but it's RELIABLE. I'm going to put this money to use in the Auction House, which I still think is the best way to turn a little money into a lot. I'm going to start keeping a log of what I do with a starting amount of 70 gold or so, rather like Derek's Gold Project X. It'll be an interesting way to show Auction House tactics, and it'll force me to not be lazy and abandon it! Thoughts?
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