Saturday, September 20, 2008
Unbelievable WoW Macro
A WoW Player made an unbelievable Macro -simulate Beijing 2008 Olympic Games Opening Ceremony countdown.
World of Warcraft Articles
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Arthas novel to be released April 2009
Author Christie Golden has posted a little more information about the Arthas novel coming next year -- she lists the release date as April of 2009 (Arthas will probably still be alive then -- if "alive" is what he is now), and says that it'll be a nice hardback edition, which should be cool to see. She also says that while they were considering throwing a sample chapter in the BlizzCon goodie bag
World of Warcraft News
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
The PvE to PvP transfer
The latest episode of the WoW Insider Show is now up for your listening enjoyment over on WoW Gold Radio. Unfortunately, Totalbiscuit (who runs things over there) tells us that they're having more issues with a Google false positive of malware, so this week will be the perfect week to jump on into iTunes and both subscribe to and review our show from there if you haven't yet. Right there in your
World of Warcraft Articles
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Coming home to PvP
I've waited for this opportunity for years. When my wife and friends decided to re-roll on a PvP server in early 2006, I had already spent weeks after weeks of sleepless nights grinding through the punishing decaying Honor system. I was a couple of weeks removed from the next rank but we had all decided to move on. It was one of the hardest decisions I've ever had to make in the game.Over the
World of Warcraft Articles
Saturday, September 13, 2008
WoW Gold Guide: Faction recipes for enchanters
Last week we took a look at some of the more popular and requested enchants and how to get them for yourself. I also promised that I'd continue the faction recipe series by taking a look at enchanting for this week.So far, I've talked about the following professions and which factions hold appropriate recipes:Designs for jewelcrafters part one, and part two. Plans for blacksmiths. Recipes for
WoW Gold Guides
Omar the Test Dragon
Once upon a time I had a Carrot on a Stick. Then I copied my shaman to the Wrath beta server. To my surprise, when I logged onto the beta realm for the first time, waiting for me at the mailbox was the curious message above. Now, we've covered the riding enchantment ground already (that is, it may not ever go live), but what I want to talk about on this post is my new buddy, Omar the Test
World of Warcraft Articles
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Azerothian birthday cake
I think I've lost count of the ongoing tally between the Alliance and Horde cakes over here at WoW Insider, although I can say for certain that I've never actually eaten a WoW-themed cake (bummer!). Reader Steve tipped us in to a cake that doesn't side with either the Horde or Alliance, but features the two continents of Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms (Northrend didn't make the cut, apparently
World of Warcraft Articles
Hot on the heels of word about all the new changes to racial abilities in Wrath, reader Mike sent us a suggestion he thought up to give a little twist
Hot on the heels of word about all the new changes to racial abilities in Wrath, reader Mike sent us a suggestion he thought up to give a little twist to racial abilities in game: Blizzard could unlock some of them from a few races, and instead give players the ability to choose a few on a peronal basis -- they could pick and choose certain abilities for their characters to have from the
World of Warcraft Articles
This little light of mine
We've all heard that shadow priests melt faces in PvP, but this is the first instance I've seen of holy priests burning your heart out from the inside in PvE. According to Taighan of Suramar, her husband Shadovare respecced from shadow to holy to help his wife out in the lower level instances. Taighan notes that this picture is of him Holy Novaing a large group inside the Stockades. For some
World of Warcraft Articles
Monday, September 8, 2008
This little light of mine
We've all heard that shadow priests melt faces in PvP, but this is the first instance I've seen of holy priests burning your heart out from the inside in PvE. According to Taighan of Suramar, her husband Shadovare respecced from shadow to holy to help his wife out in the lower level instances. Taighan notes that this picture is of him Holy Novaing a large group inside the Stockades. For some
World of Warcraft Articles
Try and love one another
Despite my WoW beginnings on the opening-day PvP server Magtheridon, I'm really enjoying my new life on the roleplaying haven of Moon Guard. And part of the fun is running into completely random RP events, like this Valentine's party observed in Stormwind by Farreby of on Thorium Brotherhood. Sadly, Farreby knows no back story here -- he writes that he merely walked by and took a screenshot of
World of Warcraft Articles
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Makeing WoW Gold: Popular enchants and where to get them
If you've ever spent any time sitting in trade chat, you could probably make a list of some of the most popular enchants. Requested frequently, any enchanter possessing the the knowledge to imbue a weapon or piece of armor with the proper stats stands to make a fair amount of gold.For example, a healer seeking Major Healing, or a meleer seeking Mongoose, will know the materials, and gather them.
WoW Gold Guides