Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Funny WoW Video: SK VS Nihilum
A video about two famous WoW guilds: SK and Nihilum.It is very funny,i bet. Don't miss it! Below are two screenshots:
World of Warcraft Video,
WoW Jokes
Beckett releases an in-depth WoW guide
Beckett Media is a company normally known for their collectible magazines -- they cover things like baseball cards, Yu-Gi-Oh, toys, and all of that other junk most people don't bother with (ok, ok, I kid, collectors, but I don't get the point of buying toys you don't take out of the box). Apparently, a little while back, Beckett started to get into another field where most of what you do is
World of Warcraft News
Officers' Quarters: Casual raiding that works
Every Monday Scott Andrews contributes Officers' Quarters, a column about the ins and outs of guild leadership.This is it, folks. This is the final column in my four-part feature about how to take your casual raids to the next level. For parts one, two, and three, click on the purple words with lines under them.I've noticed in the comments under these features that a few people seem confused
World of Warcraft Articles
Choosing a class for raiding with low FPS
NSDragon wants to know over on Livejournal: what's the best class to raid with on a low-end system (as in, one that gets only about 3-10 FPS during raid boss fights)? First of all, there's no reason you should be raiding with a system like that anyway -- even a cheap PC will run World of Warcraft better than that, and even if you can't afford a new computer, odds are that you can at least add
World of Warcraft Articles
Thursday, April 24, 2008
IGOLG:One Year Anniversary-3 Dollars For Free
IGOLG is one year old now! Thank your for very customer supporting,IGOLG is now become a leading website for massively multiplayer online game (MMOG) virtual currency and item trading.Thus,to pay back very customer,from April 22th,2008 to May 22th,2008,every customer purchase on IGOLG will enjoy free 3 Dollars for very order.Enjoy IGOLG One Year Anniversary!!!
World of Warcraft Activities
Friday, April 11, 2008
WoW: Earn THOUSANDS of gold effortlessly!
OK here is how you have the chance to make thousands of gold effortlessly.As most of you are aware, with recent patches Blizzard has decreased the amount of xp needed to level by 30%! This has lead to many players starting new characters and taking advantage of this. I as a raider my self, find it hard to find time to level up an alternate character between grinding for repair bills and raiding.
WoW Gold Guides
Thursday, April 10, 2008
WoW: Easy Gold Guide Alliance
I havn t made a horde to this point so sorry horde not for you. I have a horde guide later on so hey have fun I have used it so it works so good lick.In light of some completely useless threads on money making, I thought I'd consolidate the majority of my knowledge when it comes to turning coin. This guide will take you from level 1 to level 40 and if you use these strats you WILL have your mount
WoW Gold Guides
How to Make a Character with Cool Letters
Have you ever seen those chars with names like ÇÉL? Well this is how they do it. They use letters called Extended Ascii Characters, and all you have to do is find the letter you like from this chart: and hold ALT and punch in the numbers ON THE NUMBERPAD! (numbers on right side of keyboard) you see in front of the letter than you want, like ALT+128 = Ç and ALT+144 = É. If a GM sees this they may
WoW General Guide
Guide to Mining and Goldsmithing
The key for all aspiring young blacksmiths is finding the raw material you will need to craft your creations. Therefore it is highly recommended that you take up the complementary skill mining along with blacksmithing or have several friends who are dedicated to mining for you. Like other materials related crafts blacksmithing requires 1 skill point to become an apprentice, 3 additional skill
WoW General Guide
WoW: Farming blues with low level twink
Twinking is very popular right now with the hot spots being the 10-19 WSG and 20-29 WSG. This guide will focus on the 10-19 WSG twink crowd. Farming blues can be not only difficult because most useful ones are world drops but plain boring as hell. This guide will show you how to make it as painless as possible.The Strat By far the highest concentration of kick ass twink gear is found in
WoW General Guide
WOW - Leveling Summary Of Going From 50-60
Summary of going from 50 to 60:At 50, head to Ungoro because of all the collection quests avaliable. This is mainly a beast zone, hoever, there isn't an cash drops. There are good chances on items dropping in this zone.Doing each of the quests in Marshall's Refuge will get you 2 levels easily in a day. It is quite crazy how much exp you can gain in this zone with grinding mixed with questing.
WoW General Guide
WoW: Easy Cash for Mages lvl 60 150g hour!!
Easy Cash for Mages (Level 60)Location: Silithus.Build: Preferably Frost.Essence of Air GrindingIn the northwestern corner of Silithus, there are approximately 50-70 air elementals. They have a slim chance to drop Essence of Air (these baby's sell for 10-20g each on our server), but this slight probability is reduced if you're killing all 70 at once.Let's get some dosh!Start on the outskirt of
WoW Gold Guides
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Buyer beware in the Auction House
After a player complains that they mistakenly paid 75g for wool cloth in the Auction House, Drysc confirms that Blizzard is all about caveat emptor: the auction house market is all about open trade, so if you buy something for the wrong price, it's all on you.This, of course, leaves the system fairly open to rampant fraud -- I know someone on another server who would often buy anything epic on
World of Warcraft News
Fishing your way to profit
I'm not sure if anyone else noticed, but all of a sudden, fishing seems to have become an extremely profitable profession. With the introduction the daily fishing quests in Patch 2.4, those with a bit of luck have found themselves getting a hefty profit from the Bag of Fishing Treasures that the quests give out as a reward. Any angler worth her salt knows that fishing can be profitable through
WoW Gold Guides
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Buying Void Crystals - Patch 2.4
One of the great things for savvy auctioneers in World of Warcraft is waiting for new patches and the gold rushes they often bring.On February 1, Blizzard poster Drysc wrote the following:You’re pretty close, but it’s actually going to be a part of Enchanting. Once every 24 hours, through Enchanting (not Alchemy) you’ll be able to split a Void Crystal into two Large Prismatic Shards. This is
World of Warcraft Articles
RoleCraft: Role-ing Solo
Much of the knowledge, skill, and ability to roleplay a believable character in MMORPGs comes from inspiration. Experience is perhaps the best tool to employ in order to feed inspiration. Personally, I don't think I'll ever truly experience what it's like to be a stalwart defender of Stormwind, to walk the magnificence of Thorin's Hall, or attempt a stealthy infiltration of dungeon Destard to
World of Warcraft Articles