Saturday, December 27, 2008

WoW Warriors: Raiding Gear

This will most likey be a multi-part series. I know next week we'll be talking about the Warrior 2008 year in review, discussing talent changes and so much more, so it may be an interrupted series. With the new raiding system (normal and heroic raids), tier gear, emblem gear and non-affiliated drops, there's a lot of gear to talk about in the raid game.Lately, in fact, I've noticed that 10 and 25

Friday, December 26, 2008

Five WoW movies to help get your Festivus on

Merry Christmas World of Warcraft players! No matter what you celebrate, whether it's Festivus for the Rest of Us or full blown Christmas cheer, you can appreciate some quality holiday movies this season.Let's take a look at five festive holiday machinima productions over the past few years.Of course it needs to be stipulated that there are no Gnomes or Paladins in these movies, since they're

The 2008 holiday gift guide for Hunters

I'm not saying this week's column isn't for Hunters. That would be silly, what with this being a Hunter column and all. But this column goes out primarily to the Hunters' friends, guildmates, family members, spouses, significant others, and the like, who may be thinking, man, here it is, Christmas day, and I still don't have the proper gift. This column aims to help them find that gift. But hey,

What I did at the holiday party

For many people around the world, today is a sacred, holy day. For others, it's the day that we begin composing letters of apology for our behavior at the office Christmas party. The guild on Thorium Brotherhood seems to tend towards the latter: if Lythic's screenshot is any indication, they may still be passed out at the Stormwind pub.Do you have any unusual World of Warcraft images that are

All I want for Winter Veil

Merry Christmas Happy Winter Veil, everyone! In this season of giving, it's probably appropriate to ask everyone what their wish is for the season and, heck, the next year. To keep things in line, we'll ask for what everyone is wishing for in the game so there probably won't be any wishes for World Peace (although Dalaran and Shattrath pretty much killed all that inter-faction hate). I know my

Thursday, December 25, 2008

WoW In China: Sapphiron has gone?

Someone says game is just a game. That makes a sense. But should we must hold the spirit and the faith of the role we are playing in the game? Let's look at this story first, thank Hyuk. Not long ago on the server Lothar in World of Warcraft China while facing the overwhelming attack of the Horde corps, a human paladin named Plapla set herself an good example, telling all her enemies attendant

World of Warcraft : Lich King Sells 4 Million Copies

Blizzard has announced that World of Warcaft has reached 11.5 million subscribers and that Wrath of the Lich King has sold 4 million copies in its first month, breaking sales records that were previously set by The Burning Crusade.IRVINE, Calif. - December 23, 2008 - Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. todayannounced that World of Warcraft®, its award-winning subscription-basedmassively multiplayer

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

WoW Funny Pic:Dodge!

So funny! lol

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

World of Warcraft: A Look at Factions

While getting your character(s) to eighty is obviously a focus with the new expansion, another grind to keep in mind is the faction grind. There have been some major changes to the faction grind in Wrath of the Lich King.Let's get the important news in first. Quoted from Special Reputation Tabards:If you're friendly with certain Northrend dungeon factions (Wyrmrest

Friday, December 12, 2008

FCC Comissioner: World of Warcraft causes college dropouts

Dec 11th, 2008Oh boy. Deborah Tate is an FCC Commissioner (and will be for another three years at least -- she was appointed for another five year term in 2007), and claimed in a speech about telecom policy and regulation last week that "one of the top reasons for college drop-outs in the U.S. is online gaming addiction -- such as World of Warcraft -- which is played by 11 million individuals

WoW Funny: Who's the Tank?!

Need a laugh? It's Abott and Costello World of Warcraft Style! Let us know if you can figure out Who's the Tank.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Hunter pet oozes with charm

Hunters have had a little secret for a while now, and my friend made a mad rush to 80 when he found out about it. You see, there's currently a bug with some quest mobs in Sholazar Basin that's tagging them, perhaps incorrectly, as beasts. The Oracles' daily quest A Cleansing Song sends you off to kill some evil spirits -- the Spirit of Ha-Khalan, a ghostly crocolisk; the Spirit of Atha, a

Warcraft restaurant opens in Beijing

World of Warcraft continues to find ways to trickle beyond our virtual lives and into our day to day real lives. In Beijing, a new restaurant has opened up with a Warcraft theme, from the decor to the food. The entrance, which you can see above, is designed to look like the Dark Portal (The Burning Crusade's intro screen) and the interior walls are lined with artwork from the game and shots of

Monday, December 1, 2008

WoW Guide: 17 trinkets for healing raiders

Trinkets are interesting items. They have different abilities and uses best suited for the situation at hand. Here is the majority of trinkets that I believe us healers would be interested in the most and my initial thoughts on them. I've even recommended a few of them for us Priests! Soul Preserver: Kill Mal'Ganis in CoT: Stratholme, and you might get this decent trinket. This one of the first

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

World of Warcraft: Raid Pets

Raiding is going to start for many players soon, if it hasn't already. Hunters, even with the major overhaul of the pet system, every single pet will not maximize your raid potential. While many hunters probably have a gorilla leftover from levelling using the new Volley, that's not really the pet you want for a high level instance. Having just hit 80, and with the call from your guild going out

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Voidwalker tanks Illidan, for real this time

The other day, in response to a Hunter pet tanking Gruul, I posted a video of a Voidwalker tanking Illidan... almost. The Voidwalker survived most of phase one, which is quite nearly identical to all of the 'humanoid' phases, so to me that was good enough. It wasn't good enough for everyone though, so they're back with a video of the entire fight.The Voidwalker tanks all of the phases except for

World of Warcraft vs. my girlfriend

I'm a big fan of McSweeney's, the web home of Dave Eggers' McSweeney's publishing house (and whenever I can, I try to help out 826 CHI, the Chicago chapter of their writing center) -- they offer up quick little humor pieces every weekday in addition to various events and shows around the country. And the other day, as a few readers have kindly informed us, they focused their literary light on

Monday, October 27, 2008

WoW Gold Guide: Soloing Together

There are many ways to fight bad guys and farm WoW Gold in the game World of Warcraft. One way is to solo quest and grind. While this is mandatory at times, it's a pretty silly way to play an online multiplayer. Another way to play WOW is in a group. Playing in a group is super fun, but it is also kind of hard to get five people interested in the same goals at the same time. Groups are the

WoW Mage PvP post-patch 3.0.2

Though I enjoy burning down raid bosses as much as the next Mage (especially now that the raid bosses in question are so much easier to burn down), I make no secret about the fact that my first love has always been burning down other players. When patch 3.0.2 landed so forcefully upon our heads, bearing with it a plethora of new and revamped spells and talents, I have to admit that my first

Kil'jaeden in post-3.0.2

Kil'jaeden, the Sunwell Plateau end boss, has had a tough time lately. Since the Echoes of Doom patch, plenty of guilds have breezed through Sunwell and many of those have managed to kill him for the first time, signing off TBC raiding with a bang. Congratulations to them!This is pretty symptomatic of raiding post-3.0.2 in general -- while nothing on the surface has changed drastically,

The Colosseum: Nostalgia

The Colosseum takes us inside the world of the Gladiator (Brutal, Vengeful, Merciless, and otherwise), to interview some of the top Arena fighters in the battlegroups. Our goal is to bring a better understanding of the strategy, makeup, and work that goes into dueling it out for fame, fortune, and Netherdrakes.A few weeks ago, we spoke with Drwhy, who had a great deal of positive things to share

Paladins nerfed on the beta

MMO-Champion is showing a good run down of the recent paladin changes. We knew these were coming. While many of the changes don't seem like they're nerfing the Paladin class to the ground, the changes are definitely a nerf.Most of the changes are centering around the Retribution tree. Some are pretty crazy, like Seal of Corruption dealing holy damage, and Divine Storm dealing physical damage.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

PTR 3.0.3 Patch Notes

The PTR 3.0.3 Patch Notes are available. To put it in a nutshell, this patch adds lots of goodies to each class, with barely any nerf. Glyphs have been updated with favoring changes. Alchemy elixirs got a bit of a nerf to compensate for class changes. Certain Hunter pets got smacked by the nerf bat. Read the full patch notes after the break.World of Warcraft PTR Patch 3.0.3RacialShadowmeld: The

Learn How To Make WoW Gold As A Newbie

Did you just start a playing WoW or do you have a brand new character and want to learn how to make gold very quickly? This guide is just for you! I have found this on the internet and I feel it will help a lot of newbies to get started and even some people that just started playing on the brand new servers and wants to make gold quickly at the lower levels in the game!Start as Skinner and a

Monday, October 13, 2008

Player Has 36 Accounts, Raids by Himself

In what is perhaps the most shining example of obsession and geekiness I have ever seen, a fella by the name of Bradster has 36 World of WarCraft accounts that he plays on 11 computers simultaneously. He mainly seems to be doing it because he doesn’t like to rely on so many other people to get a raid going, which includes attacking the Alliance capital cities, and on that front I can totally see

Monday, October 6, 2008

World of Warcraft as a teaching tool

Most of us were kids at one point. A portion of us probably played computer or video games even as kids. Thus, I'm sure that at least a good handful of us, when told by our parents to turn off the computer and go do homework, eat dinner, or get some fresh air, tried to counter with something like this: "But Mom, games are educational! They give you hand-eye coordination and map reading skills!"

The Rumpus Machine

The Rumpus Machine is the latest offering from Oblivious Films, of The Grind fame. It's the story of what happens when an easily-frightened dwarf and his friends stumble upon a "metal pig" which seems to grant their every wish. It's not a follow-up to The Grind storyline, but rather a new, self-contained story. It's kinda like what O. Henry would have written if he'd only lightened up a bit. The

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Furbolgs in outer space

Once upon a time, there was an Alliance-only quest item that turned your average ugly night elf into a beautiful, sleek-pelted furbolg. Word got out that the item itself was much more valuable than the quest reward, and Allies across the realms chose to leave the quest unfinished, so as to keep their magical rod intact. They used it for boss kill shots, dance parties in Stormwind, and, in the

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Unbelievable WoW Macro

A WoW Player made an unbelievable Macro -simulate Beijing 2008 Olympic Games Opening Ceremony countdown.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Arthas novel to be released April 2009

Author Christie Golden has posted a little more information about the Arthas novel coming next year -- she lists the release date as April of 2009 (Arthas will probably still be alive then -- if "alive" is what he is now), and says that it'll be a nice hardback edition, which should be cool to see. She also says that while they were considering throwing a sample chapter in the BlizzCon goodie bag

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The PvE to PvP transfer

The latest episode of the WoW Insider Show is now up for your listening enjoyment over on WoW Gold Radio. Unfortunately, Totalbiscuit (who runs things over there) tells us that they're having more issues with a Google false positive of malware, so this week will be the perfect week to jump on into iTunes and both subscribe to and review our show from there if you haven't yet. Right there in your

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Coming home to PvP

I've waited for this opportunity for years. When my wife and friends decided to re-roll on a PvP server in early 2006, I had already spent weeks after weeks of sleepless nights grinding through the punishing decaying Honor system. I was a couple of weeks removed from the next rank but we had all decided to move on. It was one of the hardest decisions I've ever had to make in the game.Over the

Saturday, September 13, 2008

WoW Gold Guide: Faction recipes for enchanters

Last week we took a look at some of the more popular and requested enchants and how to get them for yourself. I also promised that I'd continue the faction recipe series by taking a look at enchanting for this week.So far, I've talked about the following professions and which factions hold appropriate recipes:Designs for jewelcrafters part one, and part two. Plans for blacksmiths. Recipes for

Omar the Test Dragon

Once upon a time I had a Carrot on a Stick. Then I copied my shaman to the Wrath beta server. To my surprise, when I logged onto the beta realm for the first time, waiting for me at the mailbox was the curious message above. Now, we've covered the riding enchantment ground already (that is, it may not ever go live), but what I want to talk about on this post is my new buddy, Omar the Test

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Azerothian birthday cake

I think I've lost count of the ongoing tally between the Alliance and Horde cakes over here at WoW Insider, although I can say for certain that I've never actually eaten a WoW-themed cake (bummer!). Reader Steve tipped us in to a cake that doesn't side with either the Horde or Alliance, but features the two continents of Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms (Northrend didn't make the cut, apparently

Hot on the heels of word about all the new changes to racial abilities in Wrath, reader Mike sent us a suggestion he thought up to give a little twist

Hot on the heels of word about all the new changes to racial abilities in Wrath, reader Mike sent us a suggestion he thought up to give a little twist to racial abilities in game: Blizzard could unlock some of them from a few races, and instead give players the ability to choose a few on a peronal basis -- they could pick and choose certain abilities for their characters to have from the

This little light of mine

We've all heard that shadow priests melt faces in PvP, but this is the first instance I've seen of holy priests burning your heart out from the inside in PvE. According to Taighan of Suramar, her husband Shadovare respecced from shadow to holy to help his wife out in the lower level instances. Taighan notes that this picture is of him Holy Novaing a large group inside the Stockades. For some

Monday, September 8, 2008

This little light of mine

We've all heard that shadow priests melt faces in PvP, but this is the first instance I've seen of holy priests burning your heart out from the inside in PvE. According to Taighan of Suramar, her husband Shadovare respecced from shadow to holy to help his wife out in the lower level instances. Taighan notes that this picture is of him Holy Novaing a large group inside the Stockades. For some

Try and love one another

Despite my WoW beginnings on the opening-day PvP server Magtheridon, I'm really enjoying my new life on the roleplaying haven of Moon Guard. And part of the fun is running into completely random RP events, like this Valentine's party observed in Stormwind by Farreby of on Thorium Brotherhood. Sadly, Farreby knows no back story here -- he writes that he merely walked by and took a screenshot of

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Makeing WoW Gold: Popular enchants and where to get them

If you've ever spent any time sitting in trade chat, you could probably make a list of some of the most popular enchants. Requested frequently, any enchanter possessing the the knowledge to imbue a weapon or piece of armor with the proper stats stands to make a fair amount of gold.For example, a healer seeking Major Healing, or a meleer seeking Mongoose, will know the materials, and gather them.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

EVE is Better than WoW

Silicon Knights chief and Too Human mastermind Denis Dyack has told videogaming247 he thinks EVE Online is better than World of Warcraft.The details are as below:“I used to,” said Dyack when asked if he played World of Warcraft. “I pulled myself off… Within four weeks I was at level 57, so I almost got to level 60 and then I said, ‘You know, I’ve got to stop this.’“I was really, really big into

BlizzCon Ticket Drawing Winners Selected

The winners of the BlizzCon 2008 Ticket Drawing have been chosen. We’ve sent emails to 1,500 randomly selected eligible Blizzard Account holders containing instructions for purchasing up to two tickets to the show. For your security, please note that in this email we are not asking winners to email us credit card information directly, nor are we asking winners to call Blizzard for any reason. If

Win a Trip for Two to BlizzCon 2008

Our friends at SteelSeries, Jinx, Upper Deck, and BradyGames have just launched the Win a Trip to BlizzCon Sweepstakes. The grand prize winner will receive a trip for two to Anaheim, California, along with two free tickets to attend BlizzCon 2008. For more information or to enter the contest, visit

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

DC shows off what look like Series 4 Figures

Mike Schramm showed us the first hint of DC Unlimited's Series 4 WoW figures back during ComicCon, but now the DC Direct website gives us a view of the new statues.The first female "deluxe" collector's figure is being released as part of the new series: Lady Vashj. "Deluxe" mostly means that she's bigger -- she's being hailed as standing as tall as Illidan's sculpt. But, yeah. She looks cool.Your

WoWWiki Olympics is underway

With about a week left to go in the 2008 Beijing Olympics, our favorite wiki WoWwiki gets with the Olympic spirit and holds the WoWlympics, a scavenger hunt-type contest over at their site. With the help of Blizzard, WoWWiki is giving away five Wrath of the Lich King US Beta keys and twenty Worldwide Invitational cards which contain the codes for EU Beta keys and the Tyrael vanity pet. Both US

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Willie Nelson Influenced Achievement

According to an article over on, the American country singer-songwriter and actor Willie Nelson influenced a thing or two in World of Warcraft.In an interview recently, Jeff Kaplan, lead game designer of WoW, spoke about an achievement called "To All The Squirrels I’ve Loved Before". The achievement requires players to do the /love emote to various critters in the game, but the name

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Arena Junkies hosts Arena Olympics

If you haven't heard, Arena Junkies is hosting their own Arena Junkies Olympic Contest. So while many of us are working on getting our own Spirit of Competition from the Azeroth Olympics, the Arena minded can compete to win a key to the Wrath of the Lich King beta.Basically, you start a team with the phrase "AJOlympics" included in its name. Then, you go play in the Arena. The better you do, the

Friday, August 8, 2008

Olympic battleground rewards appear on European and Chinese servers

Despite the extensive problems and human violations rights perpetuated by the Chinese government, some in service of the Olympic games themselves, most of the world seems to content to settle in and watch the Beijing Olympics one way or another. Apparently, that attitude has spread to Blizzard itself.Currently on the European and Chinese servers, there are NPCs at each major Battlemaster area in

Monday, July 7, 2008

2000 means nothing in Season 4

For once, that statement doesn't hold quite as much weight anymore. In Season 4, where new personal ratings requirements are in place, a 2000 rating doesn't amount to anything but bragging rights. Sometimes not even that. After two weeks of the new season, more than a few players are running around with their helm graphic on, proudly displaying the fact that they've hit the first benchmark of

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Blizzard Introduces Account Authenticator

Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. yesterday announced an optional extra layer of security for World of Warcraft accounts - the Blizzard Authenticator! Designed to attach to a keychain, the lightweight and waterproof electronic device generates a six-digit security code at the press of a button. This code is unique, valid only once, and active for a limited time; it must be provided along with the

Arena Season 4 Begins

Arena Season 4 has now officially begun, and players can immediately begin competing for the new Brutal Gladiator and Guardian PvP item sets. Players will now also be able to purchase Arena Season 2 items using the honor system. Please note that we have reset all Arena team and personal ratings, though players retain their Arena points and teams. The team and personal rating have simply been

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

3-vs.-3 Arena Competition at MLG Orlando

Major League Gaming’s 2008 PC Circuit Orlando passes are now on sale. The event features a 3-vs.-3 World of Warcraft Arena competition with over $31,500 in cash and prizes, and will be held July 11 – 13 at the Orlando Marriott World Center Resort and Convention Center in Orlando, Florida. Thirty-two team slots are available – check out the registration information to compete. The event will be

Thursday, June 12, 2008

WoW Gold Guide: How I Made 100,000 Gold

A player by the name of Kunzite recently submitted to us that he had released his gold-making guide, subtitled "How I Made 100,000 Gold." With a title like that, I had to check it out, and it has some very interesting tips in it. It is extremely long, which makes it all the more surprising that it's free. A lot of the tips are along the lines of playing the auction house, but there are also some

Making Money in Season 4

Eyonix made a lot of players happy the other day by announcing the start of Season 4. It's something that a lot of players have been waiting for, even planning for. Some players will be making the mad rush to accumulate Arena and Honor points. Within the first week of the new season, players who have stashed away the maximum 5,000 Arena points will be able to purchase anywhere from two to three

Monday, June 2, 2008

The REAL Reason Blizzard Doesn’t Do 40 Mans

This week’s comic on Vault Hub shows us the REAL reason Blizzard isn’t doing 40 man raids anymore!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

SK-Gaming first downs Kil'jaeden

They've done it again. The first guild to kill M'uru, SK Gaming (of Vek'nilash EU), is now the first guild in the world to kill Kil'jaeden himself, the last boss of the Sunwell Plateau and of The Burning Crusade. The gate to the encounter has been open for three days in Europe. As Nihilum notes, SK's kill does end Nihilum's tradition of taking down every end boss in WoW since C'Thun. This is

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Final Sunwell gates open today in the US

I'm surprised it took this long for a tip to come in to us about this: the final gate in Sunwell Plateau is open today on the North American realms. This means all the raiding guilds who can down M'uru now have a chance to test their skills against Kil'jaeden, boss of the Burning Legion and, more than likely, the final baddie of The Burning Crusade. How long until we see the world-first

Monday, May 19, 2008

The brilliance of Brilliant Glass

Patch 2.4.2 just threw the gem market in for a loop. Because Brilliant Glass now has a chance of giving an epic gem, the reagents required for the Jewelcrafting ability became scarce and prices shot through the roof. Uncommon gems which used to rot in players' banks or languish on the Auction Houses started disappearing into the hands of Jewelcrafters and cunning businessmen (sometimes both).

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Sunday Morning Funnies: You are not an ostrich

From the training of a rat to a meeting of the altaholics, to a little bit of man lovin', this week's comics progress storylines, provide gaming commentary, and bring out the laughs. 1 This week, The Scout Report teaches us a bit more about Ogre culture. 2 On Teh Gladiators, Trevor tries to train his hunter pet, the valiant rat. 3 Monkey Punchers goes all-out for the Man Love this week! 4 This

Blizzard cracks down on arena win trading

We already know that Blizzard is tweaking arena rules to make it much tougher to artificially inflate your rating by win trading or buying high ranked teams in Season 4, but it looks like they're starting to take it one step further, by cracking down on people who indulge in it.Reports are coming in from the official forums and from other spots around the web of people getting bans or suspensions

Saturday, May 3, 2008

M'uru world first by SK-Gaming

On the fourth day of the second Sunwell Plateau gates being opened there, the European guild SK-Gaming has achieved the world-first kill of M'uru, the fifth SWP boss. Good job, guys! This is all the more surprising because I don't think of SK-Gaming as one of the big-name guilds, but maybe I've just been missing out. Edit: D'oh! That's the guild formerly known as Curse. I knew the name looked

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Funny WoW Video: SK VS Nihilum

A video about two famous WoW guilds: SK and Nihilum.It is very funny,i bet. Don't miss it! Below are two screenshots:

Beckett releases an in-depth WoW guide

Beckett Media is a company normally known for their collectible magazines -- they cover things like baseball cards, Yu-Gi-Oh, toys, and all of that other junk most people don't bother with (ok, ok, I kid, collectors, but I don't get the point of buying toys you don't take out of the box). Apparently, a little while back, Beckett started to get into another field where most of what you do is

Officers' Quarters: Casual raiding that works

Every Monday Scott Andrews contributes Officers' Quarters, a column about the ins and outs of guild leadership.This is it, folks. This is the final column in my four-part feature about how to take your casual raids to the next level. For parts one, two, and three, click on the purple words with lines under them.I've noticed in the comments under these features that a few people seem confused

Choosing a class for raiding with low FPS

NSDragon wants to know over on Livejournal: what's the best class to raid with on a low-end system (as in, one that gets only about 3-10 FPS during raid boss fights)? First of all, there's no reason you should be raiding with a system like that anyway -- even a cheap PC will run World of Warcraft better than that, and even if you can't afford a new computer, odds are that you can at least add

Thursday, April 24, 2008

IGOLG:One Year Anniversary-3 Dollars For Free

IGOLG is one year old now! Thank your for very customer supporting,IGOLG is now become a leading website for massively multiplayer online game (MMOG) virtual currency and item trading.Thus,to pay back very customer,from April 22th,2008 to May 22th,2008,every customer purchase on IGOLG will enjoy free 3 Dollars for very order.Enjoy IGOLG One Year Anniversary!!!

Friday, April 11, 2008

WoW: Earn THOUSANDS of gold effortlessly!

OK here is how you have the chance to make thousands of gold effortlessly.As most of you are aware, with recent patches Blizzard has decreased the amount of xp needed to level by 30%! This has lead to many players starting new characters and taking advantage of this. I as a raider my self, find it hard to find time to level up an alternate character between grinding for repair bills and raiding.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

WoW: Easy Gold Guide Alliance

I havn t made a horde to this point so sorry horde not for you. I have a horde guide later on so hey have fun I have used it so it works so good lick.In light of some completely useless threads on money making, I thought I'd consolidate the majority of my knowledge when it comes to turning coin. This guide will take you from level 1 to level 40 and if you use these strats you WILL have your mount

How to Make a Character with Cool Letters

Have you ever seen those chars with names like ÇÉL? Well this is how they do it. They use letters called Extended Ascii Characters, and all you have to do is find the letter you like from this chart: and hold ALT and punch in the numbers ON THE NUMBERPAD! (numbers on right side of keyboard) you see in front of the letter than you want, like ALT+128 = Ç and ALT+144 = É. If a GM sees this they may

Guide to Mining and Goldsmithing

The key for all aspiring young blacksmiths is finding the raw material you will need to craft your creations. Therefore it is highly recommended that you take up the complementary skill mining along with blacksmithing or have several friends who are dedicated to mining for you. Like other materials related crafts blacksmithing requires 1 skill point to become an apprentice, 3 additional skill

WoW: Farming blues with low level twink

Twinking is very popular right now with the hot spots being the 10-19 WSG and 20-29 WSG. This guide will focus on the 10-19 WSG twink crowd. Farming blues can be not only difficult because most useful ones are world drops but plain boring as hell. This guide will show you how to make it as painless as possible.The Strat By far the highest concentration of kick ass twink gear is found in

WOW - Leveling Summary Of Going From 50-60

Summary of going from 50 to 60:At 50, head to Ungoro because of all the collection quests avaliable. This is mainly a beast zone, hoever, there isn't an cash drops. There are good chances on items dropping in this zone.Doing each of the quests in Marshall's Refuge will get you 2 levels easily in a day. It is quite crazy how much exp you can gain in this zone with grinding mixed with questing.

WoW: Easy Cash for Mages lvl 60 150g hour!!

Easy Cash for Mages (Level 60)Location: Silithus.Build: Preferably Frost.Essence of Air GrindingIn the northwestern corner of Silithus, there are approximately 50-70 air elementals. They have a slim chance to drop Essence of Air (these baby's sell for 10-20g each on our server), but this slight probability is reduced if you're killing all 70 at once.Let's get some dosh!Start on the outskirt of

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Buyer beware in the Auction House

After a player complains that they mistakenly paid 75g for wool cloth in the Auction House, Drysc confirms that Blizzard is all about caveat emptor: the auction house market is all about open trade, so if you buy something for the wrong price, it's all on you.This, of course, leaves the system fairly open to rampant fraud -- I know someone on another server who would often buy anything epic on

Fishing your way to profit

I'm not sure if anyone else noticed, but all of a sudden, fishing seems to have become an extremely profitable profession. With the introduction the daily fishing quests in Patch 2.4, those with a bit of luck have found themselves getting a hefty profit from the Bag of Fishing Treasures that the quests give out as a reward. Any angler worth her salt knows that fishing can be profitable through

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Buying Void Crystals - Patch 2.4

One of the great things for savvy auctioneers in World of Warcraft is waiting for new patches and the gold rushes they often bring.On February 1, Blizzard poster Drysc wrote the following:You’re pretty close, but it’s actually going to be a part of Enchanting. Once every 24 hours, through Enchanting (not Alchemy) you’ll be able to split a Void Crystal into two Large Prismatic Shards. This is

RoleCraft: Role-ing Solo

Much of the knowledge, skill, and ability to roleplay a believable character in MMORPGs comes from inspiration. Experience is perhaps the best tool to employ in order to feed inspiration. Personally, I don't think I'll ever truly experience what it's like to be a stalwart defender of Stormwind, to walk the magnificence of Thorin's Hall, or attempt a stealthy infiltration of dungeon Destard to

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Have you hit the 2.4 content yet?

Obviously, everyone knows patch 2.4 hit today. You can't turn around without seeing something about it. And, well... if you play WoW, you were probably assaulted with a downloader before you could log in. Basically, 2.4 hit. You know that.Have you really dug into the content yet, though? I know a couple members of my guild decided they would rather spend the day farming Adamantite and Mana

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

World of Warcraft: New 1-70 Record

There seems to be a bit of battle going on for who can get to level 70 quickest and you've probably checked out Athene's video and guide posted earlier. However it looks like his original record has been beaten by Tosog on the server EU-Kil'Jaeden who has managed it in 1 day 4 hours and 28 minutes with his Tauren Druid (See update below for the latest record). The proof shot is here and there has

Tips for the Stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganza

I can't say that I've ever seriously tried to do the Stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganza -- I've seen it happen a few times, and I love the idea, but I've never committed to fishing long enough to be competitive in it. But I'm reconsidering that after reading these extremely fun tips from Resto4Life. Some of them are Druid specific (I bet the Shaman waterwalking spell would come in handy when

Friday, March 21, 2008

Sexy Character Names in WoW

The Character names is very funny in below two pictures.All Character named famous Japanese AV stars.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

2.4 invades the background downloader

As Adam pointed out earlier this afternoon, the changes for patch 2.4 are starting to be less and less dramatic, which may indicate that the patch is nearing completion. Here's another such indication: parts of the patch (251 MB for me) are now being sent out to the background downloader. This means that some of the patch data is finalized, and we can get those parts of the patch now instead of

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Best arena hunter in the world now banned?

I'm still not sure what to make of this, but according to a number of very upset hunters on the official forums, Blizzard has handed a permanent ban to a player known as Megatf, said to be the best arena hunter in the world. His Armory does in fact show him as being #2 in his battlegroup (Reckoning) for 2's, #1 for 3's, and #1 for 5's, so even if he wasn't the best in the world, the guy knew a

Conquering fear of PvP (before conquering the Alliance)

It's an interesting moment, the one that mikkeneko talks about over on WoW LJ. It's the one where you first enter a battleground, or an Arena, or just head out into the world, attack someone of the opposite faction and win, and first realize that yes, you can PvP.I come, like many more experienced gamers, from a Counterstrike background (and a Doom and Quake background before that), so I've

Friday, March 7, 2008

Making Money With Mining

Hi. If you are looking at this guide, you are probably wondering how to make money with my Mining Skill. Well, it is very easy to make money off Mining, considering it is a gathering skill. So lets get started and lets make some money.**Note - this guide contains some Engineering and Blacksmithing. This is only optional to read. Its in there just in case people are worried about selling Vs.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

A simple guide for making money

Blizzard designed World of Warcraft so you will earn enough money by playing the game normally. You can easily afford to train skills, buy the odd item off the Auction House by simply doing your quests. However, most of us like the feeling of money in our pocket and there are expenses that you cannot cover normally. Think of the first big milestone in your World of Warcraft career, the mount at

Monday, March 3, 2008

PvP for the beginning HK: 11 rules for the starter weasel

It is not unusual for younger or less experienced players to approach me with questions on my PvP experience."Allie," they ask. "How can we avoid sucking like you?""Well, first it helps to have a functional mouse," I always say, favoring them with a benevolent smile whilst swirling a fine glass of port. "Click-to-move is usually impossible when neither your right mouse button nor scroll wheel

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Level 70 Farming Spots

Here's a little list, there's several zones. I earn 120-180 gold in these places.1 - Manaforge BnaarNPCs to kill:Items to Farm:Sunfury SignetNetherweaveArcane TomeGoldSuitable Class: Any class2- Kirin Var VillageNPCs to killItems to Farm:Mote of ManaGrey vendor trashSuitable Class: Melee or Hunter (non mana users)3 - Arklon RuinsNPC to kill:Items to Farm:NetherweaveFel ArmamentsMarks of

Friday, February 22, 2008

Netherwing Guide

Note: this guide is for people who are halfway decent at this game, the quests are easy enough so I'm not going to write out every detailTo start out, you MUST have 300 riding skill and a riding mount, as of right now flight form doesn't work from what I'm told (since you aren't mounted), you must also have done the quest to get your Netherwing rep to neutral.First, you need to talk to Mordenai

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Funny World Of Warcraft Comics

We collected a few funny comics of World Of Warcraft for you!!!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Enchanting Guide - Dusts and Essences Info

Note - weapons will give u essences and other stuff will give u dustDUSTStrange [1-140]Soul [130-170]Vision [175-225]Dream [230-270]Illusion [275-290]ESSENCELesser Magic [1-80]Greater Magic [80-100]Lesser Astral [110-145]Greater Astral [135-150]Lesser Mystic [155-190]Greater Mystic [175-200]Lesser Nether [205-230]Greater Nether [230-245]Lesser Eternal [250-270]Greater Eternal [290]SHARDSmall

Friday, February 15, 2008

WoW Guide: Reputation Guide

A REPUTATION GUIDETerminologyWhat is Reputation [used for]?B l i z z Q u o t e:Reputation determines whether certain NPCs react kindly to you or try to kill you on sight, among other things. A number of quests are only available if you have reached a certain level with a particular faction, while some quests will alter your faction when you finish them.Reputation is, for a large number of players

WoW: Ultimate Pet Guide

So you have your ultimate pet, or so you think. Many people don't realize this, but as a hunter you can train your pets in skills other than "growl". How you ask? That is the purpose of this tutorial!So for instance, let's say you trained a standard brown bear from an area such as Loch Modan. Did you know that same bear can learn THREE other HIGHLY useful skills? Unfortunately, you can't learn

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Been Awhile!

I don't know if any of my readers even read this anymore! Clearly, I unfortunately do not update this site anymore. I stopped playing WoW about a month ago; just lost interest. I'm going to leave this site up -- hopefully it can help some people!

I am currently playing Everquest 2, on the Lucan D'Lere server. My character's name is Jherdarr.

Happy WoWing!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Making Money in World of Warcraft

The most common topic I see posted in the forums is a complaint by people nearing level 40 that they can't afford to buy their mount. How do you make that much gold? Well I decided to write up a guide to give you my personal pointers on making money in WoW. It's actually very easy to make a lot of money in the game if you understand the mechanics and play at least some of the time in a way meant

Incoming dragonhawk mounts?

I love new mounts. When the Shattered Sun Offensive rewards from patch 2.4 were first posted, I combed through the listing searching for some sort of new faction mount reward, and was disappointed not to find any. There ought to be a new mount in this patch somewhere, right? So imagine my surprise when opened up Mania's Arcania and saw a picture of some elf riding a dragonhawk!Apparently, there

Blizzard wins the Oscars of online games

As Oscar time gets closer, some of us gamers may start wishing for awards of our own. Mass Effect was at least as good as There Will Be Blood, right?Luckily, on February 7th, we gamers got our own red carpet show, as The Academy of Interactive Arts and Sciences hosted the 11th annual Interactive Achievement Awards in conjunction with the DICE Summit at the Red Rock Resort in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Fast World Of Warcraft Gold - Buy Low, Sell High

Gold is the most coveted commodity in World of Warcraft. If you know how to make fast World Of Warcraft gold, you gain a major advantage for your character training and progression.Buy low, sell high - this is the basic tenet of making lots of gold fast.Where and how do you buy low?Keep an eye on the trade channel - you will often see items for sale cheap. The best time for this is near the

World of Warcraft Gold Guide - Sweet Tip

Add-onsAlright everyone, I want to cover a pretty sweet technique for you to use while playing World of Warcraft: Add-ons!Have you been running around WoW and wonder how some of the other players always seem to know where everything is: ore/treasures/etc? Well, most of the best and most experienced players use add-ons to help with their in game experience. There are plenty of add-ons that you can

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Fast World Of Warcraft Gold - Grinding & Chinese Farmer Tips

Here are two sets of tips to help you make fast World Of Warcraft gold:A) Grinding tips Here are some rules of thumb to help you factor the risk to reward ratio when grinding to make some fast gold: 1) If the mobs die easily, they are worth grinding. 2) If they drop money, they are worth grinding. 3) If they have good stackable vendor fodder, they are worth grinding. 4) If they have good world

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Blood Sport: Warrior-Druid overpowered?

Every Thursday, V'Ming - who thinks that gnome warlocks are travesties of nature and need to be KOSed - shares thoughts and ideas on becoming deadlier at the Arenas. He also dabbles in the dark arts in Blood Pact.A quick look at the chart above and one thing clearly leaps out. Clue: it has to do with mortal strikes, HoTs and cyclones.Well, every third team you meet nowadays in 2v2 will probably

Sunday, January 27, 2008

12 Days of Winter Veil contest winners!

It's been a few weeks since we wrapped up our 12 Days of Winter Veil contest in cooperation with our friends at Ideazon, and though we're still trying to get in touch with some of our winners, there are a lot of WoW Insider readers who deserve congratulations! Winners of FragMat gamepads include: Melenor, Ragamuffin42, Mia, Wilkie, Ellyndia, SJPadbury, Nojj, Ed, Annai, Dachande, ceckjustin, Alu,

Thursday, January 24, 2008

How much money Blizzard is really making from 10 million subscribers

An article on (which I found via Incgamers) tried to take the news about Blizzard's ten million subscribers from earlier this week, and suss out just how much money they're making. They do what most people would do, which is multiply their $15 subscription rate per month times ten million, which would mean that Blizzard is raking in $150 million a month, or about $1.7 billion a year

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

15 Minutes of Fame: Hammer time

15 Minutes of Fame is our look at World of Warcraft players of all shapes and sizes – both the renowned and the relatively anonymous. Know an interesting player you'd like to see profiled? E-mail us your tips.This week's 15 Minutes of Fame subject has earned her time in the limelight – and it's actually worth more than a mere 15 minutes. Auden, creator of the wry and witty Hammer of Grammar,

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The Art of War(craft): A Resilient Argument Part I

If you're interested in PvP in any way whatsoever, you've probably heard of a little statistic called Resilience. Introduced a little before The Burning Crusade was released, Resilience reduces the chance a player will be struck by critical strikes from spells or attacks. It also reduces the damage taken from critical strikes and Damage-over-Time (DoT) spells. It is a landmark change in PvP

Sunday, January 20, 2008

The PvE + PvP instance

"Lowlifescum" over on the official WoW forums has had an interesting idea, to combine PvE instances and Battleground instances into a kind of "race-to-the-boss" PvP and PvE experience combined. According to his idea, players would queue up for the instance, and when both 5-man teams are ready, begin on opposite ends of a dungeon. From there, they have to fight their way through normal monsters

WoW EU Valentine's card contest is on

World of Warcraft Europe is now accepting entries for its annual Valentine's card contest. European players are invited to create a card using screenshots and/or original art showing their love of WoW. Twenty winners (five per language) will receive a Gurky key. The key can be redeemed in-game for a summonable baby pet murloc.Looking through last year's winners, I'm very impressed with the

Two Bosses Enter: Lady Vashj vs. Princess Huhuran

Two bosses may enter... but only one will get to leave in WoW Insider's fantasy deathmatch series. Every week we pit two of the World of Warcraft's raid bosses against one another in a battle that your votes get to decide. This week we have Lady Vashj from Serpentshrine Caverns in Outland matching up against Princess Huhuran from Ahn'Qiraj in old Azeroth. Though both of them are perfectly happy

Friday, January 18, 2008

Mage 5 vs 5 arena guide

This is a pretty general guide for mage arena-play. It might be a bit biased from my own experience, I haven´t tried every setup. It´s mainly for 5 vs 5 but if you are totally new you can probably learn something from this for the other brackets aswell. This guide is assuming a 2 healer 3 dps setup and it´s written because I´ve seen requests for arena-guides on the forums here. Everything about

Thursday, January 17, 2008

WoW Gold Guide: gold making and leveling

This is a easy way to make about 18-54 wow gold an hour.There is a item called "Blood Elf Bandit mask," and consequently it is dropped bythe Blood Elf bandit. He spawns on the island where Dranei start - Azymist Isle(can't remember how to spell it). He spawns next to the road in 10 places behindsigns or barriers. You just follow the road in a big circle around the isle. Theonly trick is he is

The unwritten rules of raiding

I really like this post over at Mystic Chicanery. Every guild, when raiding, has its own unwritten rules of play. You just know that by the end of your raid, the MT will be drunk, the priest will have died about five times, and if you insult the healers, you might or might not get healed. It's these little quirks that make raiding so much fun-- sure, the game is a good time, and downing bosses is

WoW Guide: Easy gold for high lvl skinners

WoW Guide: Easy gold for high lvl skinnersIF you have the time required to make this profitable. Yes, it can yield you 500gold in 2 days but you will have to play 8 hours a day in order to do it! Forsome people this just isn't realistic.Angerclaw MaulersFelwood, X37, Y44.I'm taking it upon myself to let everyone know about this because I have made asickly amount of gold here latley, and a very

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

The evolution of the gold farming industry

It's a rare event when I wake up, walk to the computer, yawn, and think to myself what I could possibly write about only to have an article walk up to me, sit in my lap, and cuddle. Today it happened.We've all seen what I call the evolution of spam in-game. First it was just straight tell spam. Blizzard fixed that. Then it was group spam. Now it seems gold farmers have taken to just sitting in

World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade Cheats

General CommandsNote that you can cycle through commands with similar starting letters by typing, for example, /a> and then hitting the tab button to cycle through the commands that start with a./bind - Gives your current bind location./cast * - Allows you to cast spells by name./chat, /chathelp - Lists the chat commands./follow, /f - Causes your character to follow the selected player./ghelp -

How to make world of warcraft gold - part 4

With disenchantingIn part also covered in this thread at the EJ forums.Firstly, you can obviously farm instances such as BRD for Large Brilliant Shards. These sell for about 6-8g currenly on my server. Check the linked article for more info on that.This post will detail a large part of making money by disenchanting items from crafting.Lets presume you either have a friend who can make and

How to make world of warcraft gold - part 3

FarmingThe most obvious way to get what items you need is by farming for it.Farming can be tedious business, and because of this i highly recommend combining multiple farming actions into 1 session.Based on market prices, or your ability to farm a certain mob, you need to decide what to farm.Some modifiers:* You need scryer reputation* Your alt needs aldor reputation* You want to work on your

How to make world of warcraft gold - part 2

If you’re a regular raider and either losing money with 50g daily repair bills + potons + reagents, or barely cutting equal you’ll enjoy the knowledge that making wow gold is in fact quite easy. All it requires is a little effort.I’ll highlight the most commonly known ones :* Farming, this includes either farming mobs, fishing, mining, etc.* Pray for lucky drops, basically the same as farming but

How to make world of warcraft gold - Part 1

Gold, the lifeblood of the Wow economy.Many people will remember the first time they finally had “one whole gold” to call their own.Soon it became 10. 100. 1,000. 10,000But some, they never go above a certain value.Tanks and healers are mostly affected with this.But why, seriously?Why do some people have such a hard time getting money?As of patch 2.3 one of the changes that were implemented was

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Alliance leaders slaughtered on Moon Guard

Good news from Moon Guard-- despite a despicable assault by the Alliance on the Horde outpost of Orgrimmar, the valiant Horde there have grabbed their sword and fought the.. Alliance, taking the battle straight to their capital cities. Ok, "factionalism" aside, what the Horde on Moon Guard did is pretty impressive. They downed Velen, Bolvar, Mekkatorque, Magni, Staghelm (yay!), Tyrande, and Jaina

Around Azeroth: Waiting...

Reader Andy sends in this unique perspective of Arathi Basin, pre-battle. And though any of you who have run AB will know this view by heart as you autorun up against the gate, ready to spring forth as soon as possible, this particular moment of tension is rarely captured in screenshot form. Just look at the blacksmith in the distance, an undefended node, ripe for the capturing, as soon as these

The happiest class

We all know which class QQs the most (I know, I know, low blow-- but it made me laugh), but which class smiles the most? Skrattin (who is actually a Warlock himself) speculates that it's 'Locks who are happiest with the game. Even though they've taken some nerfs (although they might still be OP, depending on who you listen to), they still seem to be pretty happy with their class and the game at

The Art of War(craft): A rambling year in review

In last week's column, where I went over the World PvP objectives in the Outlands, some players expressed indignation at how Blizzard supposedly "forces" PvE players into playing PvP. There are different views on this, such as Massively's Craig Withers, who wrote about a distaste for impersonal PvP in WoW and thus avoids it like the plague, and well, myself, who would actually like to see more

Blizzard and unintended consequences

Relmstein has an interesting post about Blizzard and all the "unintended consequences" they seem to run into. He talks mainly about Alterac Valley and Blizzard's recent AFKer battles, as well as the fight against smurfing and selling Arena ratings. Both times, Blizzard implemented fixes that were meant to, well, fix things, but both times, the "fixes" were either completely dodged, or simply lead

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Blizzcast reveals Sunwell details

Episode 1 of Blizzard's new podcast, cunningly titled "Blizzcast," went live today. It's in two segments, one hosted by CM Karune and featuring Blizz artist extraordinaire (and, in fact, art director) Samwise Didier, and the second hosted by CM Drysc and featuring Jeff "Tigole" Kaplan. This installment is audio-only, but they promise that future episodes will include video as well. For now you

Make Unlimited Warcraft Riches - How To Farm Wow Gold With A Mage

Getting more gold has always been a goal of anyone who plays World of Warcraft. It is fortunate that guides like the Warcraft Riches guide provide legitimate tips on how to make WoW gold. The secrets divulged in this guide are totally legal and will not violate the World of Warcraft Terms of Service. This means there is no risk of an account getting banned for using them. Look below for one such

WoW Gold Secrets - Making Cash Off Vanity Items

A Vanity item is an item that has no purpose but to look good. They range from rare pets, to nice looking clothing, rare items, funny looking weapons, and character altering effects, and faction items.These items sell like crazy. You can find vanity items everywhere. When you tap into a new vanity item market you will get crazy returns.Usually you can these vanity items quickly from farming or

WoW Gold Secrets - Making Gold Off Selling Sets

Sets are another great way to pull in money. You can sell profession sets, or even drop sets (those like the Twill Set). The only way you will make money off of these though is if you complete the full set.People don't want to go through the work of farming the set out or waiting to buy and collect the full set. Listing sets on the auction house wont work either. You will have to manually trade

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

WoW Gold Tips - How To Make Tons Of Gold Just By Farming Cloth

Farming cloth still exists! It's possible to farm cloth at any level of cloth! Most server's have cloth inflated so much right now. Here's the prices that I'm seeing throughout my 9 servers. These prices are all per stack of 20:Linen Cloth - 50-70sWool Cloth - 60s-1gSilk Cloth - 1g-1.75gMageweave Cloth - 2g-2.5gRunecloth Cloth - 2g-3gNetherweave Cloth - 5g-9gWith the prices so high on Linen cloth

World of Warcraft : New Stories

Blizzard just released a new player story. "Having Fun" shares the real story of a mother and her son playing WoW together. A great read! With all the negative stories about how WoW can affect kids, it's great to hear a positive one!Having FunFebrower, KorialstraszBack in beta, my husband rolled a gnome mage and had a grand old time trouncing around Azeroth. He decided not to continue playing so

Tales of WoW

Lately, Blizzard hasn't merely been collecting our artwork and screenshots. They've been soliciting tales from players depicting their in-game adventures. While they have not amassed an extensive archive yet, they're well on their way.Having Fun (Febrower, Korialstraz)This is a true story about how playing World of Warcraft not only brought order to one child's life, but also accomplishment, and

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

WoW Armory fixed for now

For those whose characters weren't updating or showing up at all, you'll be happy to hear that the promised fix to the Armory has been implemented today. However, CM Eyonix warns that it may take "some time" for all characters to update.It's been interesting to see how this Armory downtime has affected gamers. You'd expect frustration from not being able to check on your toon's equipment,

Monday, January 7, 2008

Top 10: Role playing games

Please note: This special series of's Top 10 is a buyer's guide for Christmas 2007 and New Year 2008, and as such only includes modern titles available for the currently supported platforms. It is not a best of all time list.10. Kingdom Hearts II - PS2/PS3.One for those PS2 owners out there (and owners of PS3s with backwards compatibility!), Kingdom Hearts II, from Japanese

Friday, January 4, 2008

The 2-vs-2 arena queue and you

We usually don't realize it, but there is actually an upper limit to the number of instances that can be created in WoW at any given moment. If all the players on your server somehow decided to run Karazhan at about the same time, you'd find that after a certain number of raids had gotten started, some players would be stuck at the loading screen, waiting for the others to finish. Normally, of

New online tool shows popular arena setups

You may already be aware that SK Gaming has a listing of the top arena teams in the US, Europe, and Korea, all ranked against one another. Now SK Gaming has added another feature to this listing, which shows both the most "popular setups for high ranked teams" and the "average rating for popular setups." You can see very clearly the top five class combinations in each category of the arenas, from

Thursday, January 3, 2008

WAR != WoW

Alrighty! I’ve been asked to talk more about why I am so excited about Warhammer Online. I think that I can achieve that in this post, so for now I will try and accomplish killing two birds with one big heavy stone. I’m seeing more and more comparisons between the two games. Some of them are spot on but others are way off base. I feel it’s prudent to clarify a few things for some people who may

Blood Sport: Arena nostalgia

Every Thursday, V'Ming - who thinks that gnome warlocks are travesties of nature and need to be KOSed - shares thoughts and ideas on becoming deadlier at the Arenas. He also dabbles in the dark arts in Blood Pact.Keeping in the theme of my Warlock column, let's take a look back at one of the most important additions introduced in 2007 with The Burning Crusade - Arena PvP.You can say that Arena

Tips for making profit with engineering

The Khorium Toolbox has recently posted a very thorough article on all of the ways that you can, in fact, make money from being an engineer. Although you are unlikely to make back the cost of leveling the profession any time soon, it's provides some excellent ideas as a start.Sell-worthy goodies include ammunition, non-combat pets, guns, and fun, quirky gizmos that are the characteristic

Yet more free character transfers

Yes, there are more character transfers in the not too distant future: characters will be moving from selected realms free from January 4th to January 11th. If you're currently playing on one of the realms selected to allow transfers off, and you want to make sure you get a transfer, then you may want to consider getting ready as soon as the transfers open: Drysc warns, "In the event that a realm

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Politician Uses WoW to Contact the Masses

You may remember a little while ago, presidential candidate Governor Mike Huckabee enlisted the aid of Chuck Norris in a very amusing presidential campaign ad.Well it seems politicians have been trying to think of yet more ways to reach the people. Recently another presidential candidate, Ron Paul, organised a WoW in-game rally, to take place on New Year's Day. Approximately 240 people showed up

World of WarCrafts: Healthstone

Every Wednesday World of WarCrafts features a recipe or craft that teaches you how to make own real life version of in-game recipes and items. Today in World of WarCrafts I thought I would show you how to make a more "crafty" project. So this time I am going to make a Healthstone. How you may ask can a mere mortal conjure a Healthstone? Ah, young ones I am more than just a mortal. I am a mighty

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

January 2008 Calendar

The January 2008 Calendar is here!

Sprawl's Scrawl - Addon Spotlight: XLoot

The addon of the week this week is called XLoot. Instead of three items per page in the standard loot window, XLoot resizes the loot window to show all the items. It highlights items of value with a colored border, and will even mark BoP items appropriately. XLoot basically substitutes a new window for the loot frame whenever you loot a mob, open a chest, disenchant a item, or even open a

Two Bosses Enter: Kel'Thuzad vs. Archimonde

Two bosses will enter... but only one will leave in WoW Insider's fantasy deathmatch series. We're pitting two of Azeroth's raid bosses against one another in a battle that your votes get to decide -- until in the end we're left with a single boss as the ultimate champion. Be sure to check out our brackets for a full round-up of our ongoing fight schedule!) This week we present Kel'Thuzad, the

New Year's Eve in Azeroth

Just in case you aren't headed out to a party this evening, let this serve as your reminder that it's New Year's Eve in Azeroth this evening as well. As usual, there will be hourly fireworks in all the major cities after sunset, free drinks in public areas, and revelers aplenty (make sure to blow them a /kiss). Additionally, while it's not listed on Blizzard's official page, there are two quests