Sunday, December 30, 2007

WoW mud dolls, made by a fan in China

The use of the term "mud dolls" threw me for a second here, but I think the folks at MMOsite mean clay dolls, as they have posted extremely cute little WoW figurines made out of clay. What fascinates me is that not only are these cute and really stylish, but they really capture each race and class-- the Blood Elf really does look snobby, while the Dwarf looks like he's had an extra ale or

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Make Gold at Level 30 on World of Warcraft

How to make some gold with a horde toon at around 30? One of the most effective ways that I have found is to take your toon and send him or her through rage fire chasm. What you will want to do is get as many green items and linen cloth you can. If you are not a tailor/enchanter then you will want to make a level one toon and train them with these skills. After you get all the green items and

Friday, December 28, 2007

3-man group conquers Molten Core

3-man Molten Core. You read that right. sailoreagle on Livejournal walks us through the run his Tier 6 prot warrior, Tier 6 holy priest, and a "Tier 4-ish" feral druid (along with hunter and mage alts) had in a surprisingly easy Molten Core instance. You'd think they'd have trouble along the way (in fact, they thought they'd have trouble along the way), but from this account, it actually went

Thursday, December 27, 2007

PC Roleplaying Gamers' Choice Award --World of Warcraft

PC Roleplaying Gamers' Choice Award --World of Warcraft: The Burning CrusadeTalk about your close races: The Witcher and World of Warcraft were in a statistical dead heat for the majority of the voting. We almost declared it a tie, but a last minute rally by WoW fans pushed one of the best expansion packs of the year over the top.We already know that World of Warcraft is an amazing title: it's

World of Warcraft and the Feast of Winter Veil

Ahh...the merriment of the holiday season does not escape the World of Warcraft! Being a lower level character I can't get to all the content for the Winter Veil celebration, however I have had some fun with what I can do! I was able to run some quests for Great Father Winter which was a nice distraction from the ordinary quests for a bit.I did the Gingerbread Cookies quest and brought Father

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

World of Warcraft Gold Secrets of the Darkmoon Faire

You have chanced upon a page from the Journal of Marcus Ty, level 60 Alliance Mage of Stormwind and servant to the Argent Dawn. In my Journal I have chronicled my time in the land of Azeroth and the labor spent upon a single quest. And that quest is for gold - World of Warcraft gold!As an apprentice Mage in my early levels, I always looked forward to the first Friday of each new month when the

New World of Warcraft Wallpaper

Blizzard Europe just added a new wallpaper to their World of Warcraft wallpapers section.

Season Greetings and Holiday Wallpaper

The following message was posted on the front page of the official site:All of us here at Blizzard Entertainment would like to wish you and your families a safe and pleasant holiday season. May your holiday adventures be filled with warmth, cheer, and happiness.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

World of Warcraft: How To Make Gold In WoW

src="">How To Make Gold In WOW isn't actually that difficult contrary to belief! You do not have to go and buy WOW Gold from any of these illegal gold selling websites and on top of that you may

World of Warcraft Gold Farming Tips

World of Warcraft Gold Farming Tips are plentiful, but gold farming is a tough business. Have you ever wondered why some items in World of Warcraft sell for a lot of gold and then other items for mere silver or copper?Even more so, you notice that on other servers the same items are fetching huge amounts at the auction house.Well, World of Warcraft fans, the economy of the game is very much like

Monday, December 24, 2007

The Art of War(craft): Outdoor PvP, Part I - War in the Old World

So you've tried out all the Battlegrounds; maybe even ground your Honor quota from the Call-to-Arms holiday. You've played your Arena games for the week, and maybe you've sent a message to those filthy campers who messed up your guildie's daily Simon Says. What else is there to do in the world of PvP? Well, there's always World PvP. Technically, any PvP that occurs outside of an instanced zone (

Friday, December 21, 2007

Blizzard Decries Virtual Item Trade

Major MMO makers like Funcom and SOE are on board with a new company that promises to "legitimize" the real money trade of virtual goods, but World of Warcraft house Blizzard tells Next-Gen that it's still against the practice regardless."We do not have any plans to support out-of-game trading for World of Warcraft anytime in the near future," a Blizzard rep tells Next-Gen when asked if it would

Vendor Resale--The Best Way to Make WoW Gold

By far the quickest and easiest way to make gold is vendor resale, which basically means you take items that you buy from a vendor and re-sell it on the Auction House for a profit. It is easy to gain at least double your money (100% profit), but I sell items all day long for 2700% profit. How is this possible? I take an item(ie: Formula: Enchant Chest - Minor Mana) that costs a mere 3 silver,

Monday, December 17, 2007

WoW Gold Tips - Making Gold in WoW Through Different Professions

In World of Warcraft, there are three primary professions. You are only able to choose two of these three, however, so it is worth comparing them in order to pick what profession you will leave out. To help you make that decision here is a summary of all three.Gathering Professions:Mining: This type of profession mines for various items around the world. It is one of the most common professions

Friday, December 14, 2007

Phat Loot Phriday: Delicious Chocolate Cake

Seeing as food has been on our minds this week at WoW Insider (with both the new Well Fed Buff column and Maureen's World of WarCrafts), I figured we'd give the foodies in the audience something to pine for this week. Expect more big pointy sharp things only available from late game raids next week.Name: Delicious Chocolate CakeType: FoodDamage/Speed: N/AAbilities:"If you spend at least 5 seconds

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Your WoW Noob Gold Guide

Did you just start playing WoW or do you have a brand new character and want to learn how to make gold very quickly? This article is just for you! I feel it will help a lot of noobs to get started and even some people that just started playing on the brand new servers and wants to make gold quickly at the lower levels in the game!Start as Skinner and a Herbalist or Miner for a while to gather

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

WoW: Feast of Winter Veil Events Announced

'Tis the season again and Blizzard is collaborating with Father Winter to bring the Feast of Winter Veil events from December 15th till January 2nd. In addition to the regular events, this year we'll enjoy a few more special surprises:-The Preserved Holly that players can get from completing special holiday questscan now be used on flying mounts. This will temporarily turn their flying mountinto

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Two Bosses Enter: Moam vs. Hakkar the Soulflayer

It's that time of the week again -- time to lock two World of Warcraft bosses into a life or death struggle for our amusement! We call our little game Two Bosses Enter, and each week we start with two bosses and inevitably end with one. But don't worry: our fantasy deathmatches are just for fun, the WoW Insider equivalent of arguing whether Batman could beat up Superman (as if that's even an

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Feign death really works

After playing World of Warcraft, the 12 year old boy knew how to cope when he was attacked by a moose in the forest.In the article he describes how he first yelled at the moose, distracting it so his sister got away, then when he got attacked and the animal stood over him he feigned death. "Just like you learn at level 30 in World of Warcraft."Now who says you can't learn useful stuff from WoW?

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

25 Awesome Warlock Tricks

Warlocks have a lot of tricks, and while they might not always require much skill to play (talking about SL/SL mostly), there's always things which separate skilled players over casual ones.Perhaps you know all of this already, perhaps you don't. But it's always good to have an open mind and a few uncommon tactics so you can adapt to almost any situation.I'm like Athene of the warlocks, giving

World of Warcraft Guides and Super Cheats

Cities dungeons forests mountain peaks and other environmental elements of the game create an entire virtual world for the player to explore. Other portions of the World of Warcraft game such as dungeons (also called instances) are designed to require cooperation with other players for success. Captain Placeholder would teleport players to the Darkshore dock instantly when asked. Heroes can also

Gold For World of Warcraft - Easy Tips To Make Your Gold Explode!

I'm sure if you've found this guide, that you are already well aware of what World of Warcraft (WoW) is, and why getting gold in World of Warcraft is so vitally important. Everything in the game uses gold to come extent. If you have no gold, you have no fun! I'm pretty sure we all are playing this game for fun, so we al want gold! Am I right in that assumption?Now, getting World of Warcraft gold

Monday, December 3, 2007

Jewelcrafting Guide, part 2

Okay, so here's part 2 of my jewelcrafting guide. First of all, let me say this: Jewelcrafting lets you cut gems, and make jewelry. I will be focusing on the gems, because it is the best way to make money from the profession.

Pretty simple rules for Jewelcrafting. First, get to 350+ as soon as possible. (Search my blog, I linked to a good guide some time ago. Or Google it.) Once you are at 350, the fun begins. But first, I have bad news: trained cuts and vendor recipe cuts don't sell for a huge deal. Sure, they sell, and you don't have anything else to do with your raw gems, except for sell uncut ones to other jewelcrafters. So, you can make some money by selling those unremarkable gems.

Now, the REAL Jewelcrafting moneymaker comes from cutting gems from dropped recipes. Unfortunately, that means you have to be lucky enough to get one, or have the stomach to buy one. These things can cost from 200 to 500 gold, depending on the recipe. Now, unlike some professions that have lots of cooldowns, in Jewelcrafting only cutting a Meta gem causes a cooldown, and it's only for one hour, and doesn't keep you from cutting non-Meta gems. So, once you get a good recipe (or recipes), you'll be able to buy an uncut blue gem or purple gem, cut it, and resell it at quite a nice profit. Try that with alchemy transmutes!

Jewelcrafting is fairly cheap to level up, but yes, it does require some investment in the end. It takes money to make money, people! But any time someone upgrades their gear with something with sockets (which is most good gear), they need new gems for it. There is ALWAYS a market for good gems, and if you bite the bullet and buy/find a great recipe, you'll rake it in.

Now, which recipes? First of all, in the course of your adventuring in Outlands, you're going to get rep with various factions, and some of them sell recipes! Here are a few to watch for.
These are all bind on pickup. So, you can make them for yourself, but not to sell. Still, it's nice to have a gem or two hardly anyone ever sees!

Quick primer on gems. Which color gems can have which stats:
  • Red: strength, agility, +damage and healing, +healing, attack power, dodge, parry
  • Blue: stamina, spirit, mana per 5, spell penetration
  • Yellow: intellect, hit, crit, spell crit, defense, resilience, spell hit
Now that we have that established. The most common gems you'll be cutting will be blue quality gems. The different types of raw, uncut blue gems are:
Keep in mind, a green quality RAW gem can be cut into a blue quality CUT gem! But they generally have a higher quality counterpart, which is cut from a blue quality raw gem.

You can also craft meta gems from Earthstorm Diamonds and Skyfire Diamonds, which are made by Alchemists. But these are expensive to make, and not as efficient or as easily sold as the blue ones, in my opinion.

For a complete list of ALL gems, with stats on mouseover, go here.
And for a handy graph of what gems have what stats, go here.

Now, market value will vary some, but some gems are clearly useful for many classes, and so are worth more. General rule of thumb seems to be gems with multiple stat bonuses are better than ones that focus on a single stat (with the exception stamina). I've decided to turn that into a third post, due out soon. Really, the problem is that with all the different classes, builds, and gear sets, almost EVERY gem has a place, and a certain degree of demand. But I will try to go over the most commonly bought ones.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Christmas Break

Hi everyone. I've decided to take a little break from World of Warcraft over Christmas. I need to let the monotony of it all fade from my mind! So, I won't be updating much for a month or so. Please enjoy the information I've already put on the site, and I'll be back in the new year or before, I hope! (Or if I happen on something unbelievable and must share it with you.)