Friday, September 29, 2006

The Burning Crusade Preview at ActionTrip

More comments and review on The Burning CrusadeThe Burning Crusade Preview at ActionTrip: "The Burning Crusade development has taken. It seems that the expansion was designed from the ground up to suit the needs and time constraints of the more casual players..."

Thursday, September 28, 2006


If you only ever install one World of Warcraft add-on I recommend Auctioneer.To quote from the documentation here:Auctioneer is an addon that allows you to view information about an item that may be useful in helping you determine what it's worth. Straight out of the box, Auctioneer knows much about many items in the game, and will tell you many things about the item when you move your mouse over


Following on from selling manuals, there are a number of other items which can be purchased from vendors and sold for a profit in the AH. The manuals are nice because you can purchase unlimited quantities, but sooner or later somebody else has the same idea and competition drives prices down.Some recipes can be vendor purchased but only in limited quantities. vendors will have only one or two

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Wired News: Warcraft Wonders of Tomorrow

Wired article on "The Burning Crusade" expansion. For some odd reason, the article wanders into a discussion of Warcraft cybersex. I've obviously been hanging around in the wrong zones. Wired News: Warcraft Wonders of Tomorrow: "The new World of Warcraft expansion is just around the corner, and people are atwitter with anticipation. Two new playable races! A whole new continent! Flying mounts..."

Tuesday, September 26, 2006


Fishing is one of those secondary WoW skills that many people just ignore. They think it's pretty boring. Well, actually it is a little but you can make 30 to 40 gold and hour at character level 20. Most of the fish you catch will be vendor junk but a few fish have tradeskill uses and sells well in the AH. The first two won't make a lot of gold but are good for a little extra spending money

Monday, September 25, 2006


I've been making a chunk of warcraft gold recently buying a few manuals from vendors and selling them for a big profit in the Auction House. Whay don't people just go to the vendors and buy them themselves? Good question. Ignorance or laziness I guess. These are all on the flight path for Horde or a short journey for Alliance.Old Man Heming in Booty Bay in Stranglethorne has "Expert Fishing -

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Gathering Professions

I'm sure most people have worked this out, but one of the easiest way of making gold at low levels is to take up either skinning, mining or herbalism. I usually do skinning and mining. Skinning doesn't make a lot per item gathered, but there are plenty of animals to skin as you level up. Light leather which can be gathered in abundance at very low levels sells for around 50 silver a stack on

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Warcraft Gold Guide

I'm not generally a big fan of purchased WoW guides, but I'm going to make an exception for this one.It's the World of Warcraft Cash Creating Guide and claims you can make up to 50 gold an hour using only legal strategies that won't get you banned.Does it work?Actually yes, there's a lot of great information in this guide. I was impressed and it certainly worked for me.Click Here to check it out.


Well, specifically disenchanting can make some easy gold without ever leaving the AH. It works best on established servers, the older the better. Don't worry if this isn't a chosen tradeskill, just roll another character, get him (or her) to level 5 and get enchanting as a skill. Mail your new character a couple of gold to get started.Look in the AH for green armor, it doesn't matter if it is

WoW Gold

This blog will be used to record ways to make lots of gold in World of Warcraft. It's aimed at lower level characters, say level 5 to level 30 or so. I've been doing this for a while on different WoW servers, so I thought I would share the best methods. I wil also list tthe latest gossip and WoW news.World of Warcraft is a trademark of Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. This blog is not associated