I've been making pretty good money selling crusader enchants on horde side of my server but I have been leveling some new characters through PVP on the alliance side because the que times are instant. What I found on alliance side was several instances where someone had no idea of the value of a righteous orb. Usually because there was none on the auction house at the time so noob players have nothing to reference by.
So I have been seeing righteous orbs occasionally sell for 4 to 15 gold and I have been snatching these up and reselling for 70 to 100 gold! Pretty nice profit margin especially for some new characters on the other faction. Lets me stock up on enchants and new gear for my characters while I PVP!
So if you're not an enchanter or you may be leveling some new characters, start keeping an eye on righteous orbs. Even if you are an enchanter you can maximize profits by selling the crusader enchant. You might find some great deals on your realm!
Thanks for checking in!
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Monday, February 28, 2011
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Cataclysm Gold & PVP
There is a large number of the player base that only PVP because that's what they enjoy. For the most part they don't want to quest or do any type of dungeons which can really limit the amount of gold you take in if you don't play the auction house. If you're one of these players then this tip may help you out.
We all need gold to buy new gear if you are leveling new toons through PVP or you need some bling if you want to enchant and gem out your gear. Let's face it, enchants and gems can be really expensive depending on the type of upgrade you are looking for. So how can a hardcore PVPer make any gold?
One answer is using the the Honor Trade Goods NPC in either Stormwind or Orgrimmar to buy up trade goods in exchange for honor points. Some of the items might sell very well depending on your server's economy. Currently on my realm I can purchase a stack of 5 savage leather for 375 honor points then turn around and sell those same 5 savage leathers for just over 200g!
At one point it was profitable to purchase and resell stacks of embersilk cloth but now that prices have dropped, savage leather is the real money maker.
Plus look at the benefits of reaching the point of obtaining all the honor gear you can get. You will still be PVPing for fun but will be able to spend all that honor on trade goods and make some serious gold.
Thanks for checking in!
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
A Great Gold Guide
Since I'm taking a break from blogging, I wanted to leave up my recommendation for a gold guide everyone can use.
Before I ever read a gold blog the first gold guide I read was WoW Schools. That guide helped me jump into auction house addons, which I was a bit nervous about, and I was able to use it as a base to develop my own strategies. From there I started making quite a bit of gold and never had to worry about gold again. Since the day I bought it I have been able to buy everything in WoW that I could possibly want.
If you are looking to get a complete guide on setting up addons, what to sell, and other various strategies for gold making then pickup the WoW Schools Gold Guide. Go from rags to riches! Get a chopper and all the BoE gear off the auction house!
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Netherweave Bags: Cataclysm Launch
So as I've been looking at all of my characters banks I started to realize all the stuff I have been stockpiling for the Cataclysm. I kind of forgot about some of it after I took my recent break from WoW. I had a guild bank full of Netherweave cloth so I spent the day cranking out hundreds of netherweave bags to sell at launch.
I did catch Cold's post on Faction Satchles were he talked about 16 slot bags being available via a quartermaster but the only problem is that new characters will still need to gain rep to purchase these bags. So I would agree with Cold that there is a slim chance that this will have any effect on initial sales of netherweave bags with all the new worgen and goblin characters running about.
There hasn't been much of a demand spike since the sundering with the new race/class combos so I am going to hang on to my stockpile and wait for the Cata launch to throw all these up on the auction house at a much better price than 8 to 9 gold.
Netherweave Bags,
Thursday, December 2, 2010
All Alone and In Need of Gold!
It's so cold...and lonely on this new realm. No existing characters to steal gold from. No friends to buy me some shiny new bags or gear. All I have is my experience, courage, and confidence to push ahead and know that I will find a way to make some serious gold on Kel'thuzad.
Now you're probably wondering why the heck is Nakedjay creating a character over at Kel'thuzad? My buddies are all going to create their worgens on that realm and have already created a guild. Funny thing is they just created level one characters and all started begging for gold to create the guild charter. I had no part in that since I like to abstain from begging and it occurred before my return to WoW.
So currently I've got a new mage named Nakedjay running around Kel'thuzad. He hit level 13 last night with not the best focus of actual leveling. My goal is to use him to start making some serious gold on this realm so I will have all the gold I will ever need for my new worgen. My end goal is to get this mage to level 20 so I can buy a mount and use him for gathering.
I picked up skinning and mining on this new character and it has worked out nicely. I've been able to sell three greens I've picked up, leather, and linen. I've racked up 28g rather quickly without even selling my copper ore. The low level greens I've been lucky so far, they have all sold for 2 to 10 gold each.
Here is a run down of the going prices at Kel'thuzad (US):
- Copper Ore - 10g a stack
- Linen cloth - 2g a stack
- Light Leather 4g to 5g a stack
- Rough Stone - 19s a stack
So here is my plan,
- Keep leveling and selling everything I pickup
- Get my mage to level 20
- Buy mount
- Farm copper in Elwynn
- Skin everything I see
- Flip Vendor Pets
It should be interesting to see where I'm at come December 7th. It would be nice to have a few hundred gold stacked up ready to use for my worgen. I don't want to get my hands dirty with auction house flipping in general since the markets are so volatile this close to Cataclysm.
What's your favorite low level gold making method?
Low Level Gold
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Have You Ever Given Away a 100k?
I know...crazy right? Giving away all that hard earned gold just for the hell of it. That's what I did a couple months ago. I was so burnt out on WoW that I was at the point of just quiting for good. At the time that I had this crazy idea I was sitting at 140k gold.
With a crazy look in my eyes and a budlight in the my hand, I messaged my real life friends who were still playing the game. I told them I was going to give away 100k gold that I had earned from working the auction house since I was quiting the game. I split up the gold between the four of them so they each received 25k gold. I'm fairly certain that none of them had ever had that much gold before in the the years they have been playing this game.
I logged off immediately and went to battle.net to cancel my account. I never asked them again about the gold till I returned the other day to WoW. As I had figured they had blown it, which is fine but typical. It was their gold to blow but I was hoping that maybe they had learned some of the things I've been doing to make gold in the past and keep up so they would have a steady income stream. I think each of them now has a couple grand left so they are definitely not broke but that is sure a lot of gold to blow through.
As I thought about this I began thinking of some real life similarities. Ever known or heard of someone in your town or city that won the lottery? Then within a couple years they were broke cause they blew it all? It seems to be a common story throughout the years with lottery winners. They buy big houses, multiple expensive cars, and other toys then they can't afford the taxes or just don't have any money left.
It's the difference of a poor to rich mentality. Some have it and others don't. Someone who has worked hard to get rich isn't going to just blow all their money and even if they are a big spender they know how to keep income coming in.
I was glad that I left myself 40k, which will be plenty to buy new stock and pay for leveling my professions. I can use that early on to make some massive profits. I already purchased 310% riding so I can really farm quick with my paladin. 310 flying + Crusader Aura = Profit!
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Back in the Saddle Again!
After a two month hiatus I have returned to WoW! I took advantage of the free game time promo for cancelled accounts. If you currently have a cancelled account go and log into your battle.net account and see if the free 7 days of game time promotion is offered to you.
As you can tell I have spent a great deal of time redesigning the website. I hope that this will make things a bit easier to use and easier on the eyes as well. If there is anything you would like to see added to the website or other content you would like to see please let me know!
Now after checking out WoW after the sundering I can say that I am impressed. It really feels like a totally new game and I really like the changes that have been made. Blizz may have actually gotten things right this time around.
I started leveling a new alliance character on Kel'Thuzad, that's where my friends are going to make worgens come Cata, and I am going to use that character to start making gold over there this next week before Dec. 7th gets here. I was blown away by the new quests in elywnn after the sundering! I loved the changes and had a blast leveling. In about an hour of running around the other night I was already level 8 and it didn't even feel like I had been leveling.
My character is sitting at 30s but I haven't found anything good to even throw up on the auction house besides cloth. Once I get a bit more money then I am going to start reselling vendor pets to build up some gold. The idea is that once I start leveling my worgen I can mail everything to this other character and really work the auction house.
It should be really exciting to see how the competition is on this new realm!
Questions for Comments
What do you plan on doing on Day one? Leveling a new worgen/goblin? A different race? Level up your current 80? Or just focus hard on gold making?